Chapter Fifty-Two

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-Kaygen's POV-


I froze. My mother's voice was not what I wanted to hear right now, and I knew my father would have heard her say my name.

I just wanted to sneak out with Nate and come back some other time to say goodbye, but she stood by the open door, her eyes raking over my packed bags with a sad look on her face.

Oh god, here we go.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" She asked in a sickly-sweet voice, glancing at Nate curiously.

Before I could even think of a response, the door to the living room opened and my worst nightmare stepped out, scratching at his overgrown beard, his eyes looked tired and bloodshot, and he was holding a bottle of whiskey, barely standing up straight as he eyed each of us up with a hateful glare.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He asked, staring me down with eyes full of judgement.

For a moment I couldn't even form any words in my head, let alone get my mouth to say them.

I was frozen on the spot, staring at my father as I tried to hide the fear that shot through my veins and filled my head with hazy, darkness, that's when the panic set in.

"He's been with me, sir," Nate smiled politely, but I could tell it was fake, even through my hazy thoughts.

I tried to focus on evening out my breathing, forcing myself to mimic Nate's breathing in order to gain some sort of control over mine.

You can do this.

He said, comforting my heart and mind with his words.

"Who are you?" My dad asked, snarling at my boyfriend in annoyance. Really? The only person I have ever bothered to bring over here and he doesn't even remember him.

"A friend of Kaygen's, we met for dinner, no?" Nate asked with a raised eyebrow, thinking back to the torturous dinner he had to sit through with us.

It wasn't that bad, he thought.

Yes, it was. I rolled my eyes, still feeling sorry for putting Nate through that, and embarrassed that he had to see this side of my family, we were broken beyond repair.

"Huh, I don't 'member ya, what was your name 'gain?" My dad slurred, I needed to think of a way to get us out of here, but at this point my mother cried as she continued to stare at me, she already knew.

"Nate." He tried to smile but I could tell he was uncomfortable, hell, I could no longer tell whose emotions I was feeling, I just assumed we both felt the same and wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible.



Get out."

"What?" Nate and I had spoken at the same time, staring at my father in shock.

Ain't no way in hell is Nate leaving this house without me by his side, and that is what's going to cause the problem here.

"Sure, we'll leave," I agreed, avoiding all eye contact as I once again grabbed my bags and made a beeline for the door, Nate hot on my heals.

"NOT YOU," my father shouted, nearly shaking the house from the pure rage that leaked from his lips.

I swallowed down, freezing on the spot, still feeling Nate's presence behind me but not having the courage to raise my gaze from the floor.

"Kaygen stays, Nate leaves," he said calmer, and I could almost hear the mockery in his voice.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not leaving Kaygen, so we either both stay, or we both leave," I heard Nate say confidently.

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