Chapter Forty-Six

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-Damon's POV-

"You know we're doing the exact same thing that Nate and Kaygen did, right?" I asked, watching Laken walk slightly ahead of me, with a grin shadowing his beautiful face.

"I think if they got to ditch school, it's only fair that we get to too!" He stuck his tongue out after turning to face me, now walking backwards.

"And do you know how that ended?" I smirked, more distracted on keeping an eye out behind him, so he didn't crash into anything, or anyone.

"No, what did I miss?" He was by my side in a second, eagerly waiting for me to continue, with an impatient expression.

"They mated," I said, even though Nate didn't say those words himself, it was obvious enough, like I said, who could resist such a thing?

And Laken is currently putting me in the same situation, a constant tease on the day of the full moon. My wolf was basically sulking at this point.

"Wait, what? Before us? Are they even dating?" He fired questions that seemingly didn't need any answers, and I found myself smirking as he ranted on.

"Yeah, Kaygen asked Nate to be his boyfriend, didn't you hear?" Nate couldn't wait to tell me; I was just surprised to hear it was Kaygen that asked Nate, and not the other way around.

"Did I fuck, I've barely seen Kage since the full moon started fucking Nate up, but I guess we can catch up when he moves in, fuck knows when that will be though, he's too lovey dovey with his boyfriend right now," he sighed, dramatically.

"More time for me and you, I guess," I smirked, looking around innocently. That caught his attention, I watched the pout slip from his face, soon to be replaced with a stubborn yet proud half smile.

"Damn straight," he huffed, climbing into the passenger side of my car, once I'd opened it, he got in without another word, patiently waiting for me to join him.

I gazed back towards the school building briefly, sending a mental message to my personal pack members, that I would be absent for the rest of the day.

I hoped they wouldn't disturb my time with Laken, but I already knew if they did, it would have to be something crucial, and that could never be good. But things have calmed down a lot around the pack house, we didn't have any other problem with rogues, and we hoped to keep it that way.

By the time I sat down in the driver's seat, Laken was already messing around with the stereo, he flicked through each radio station, grunting along the way as he tried to choose a song that would satisfy his needs.

"Where are all the good stations at? I didn't realise they started playing shit once we were all in school," Laken huffed.

I couldn't stop the laugh as I tried to focus on driving, still not knowing exactly where we were going. Maybe I should get Laken some CD's he can play in the car, or better yet...

I handed Laken my phone, knowing it would already be connected to the stereo, considering I didn't turn my Bluetooth off when I got to school this morning.

"Play whatever songs you want baby, but before you do, would you mind telling me where we are going?" I smiled, taking yet another turn as I practically drove around in circles.

"Oh right, I didn't really plan that far ahead, I mean we can still go to yours, orrrrr you could take me to the cinema," he grinned cheekily, batting his eyelids, as if I wouldn't obey his every wish if he didn't.

Laken severely underestimated just how much I would do for him, what's the word? Whipped...that's the one, he had me whipped, I was wrapped around his little finger, and he had no idea.

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