Chapter Fifty-Three

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Proceed with caution, the content in this chapter is strictly R rated!

-Nate's POV-

Kaygen was quiet, I wanted so bad to ask if he was okay, to reassure him but I know he needed the silence for a while.

So, I bit my tongue and focused on driving us back to my house, it would be quieter than the pack house and the less people right now, the better.

I managed to pay zero attention to the road as I drove, but luckily still managed to get us home with no problems.

Focusing on anything other than my mate was damn near impossible right now, and I sent a message through mind-link to my mum after I saw her car in the drive.

She was fully accepting of us wanting our privacy, so I guided Kaygen up the stairs and into my room where we both fell down on my bed.

I know I should let him speak first so I still didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean I can't hold him, right?

Gently, I pulled Kaygen towards me on the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist as I situated us into a much more comfortable position, laying down on the bed.

He let me with no complaints, and willingly let me hold him securely, and perfectly in my arms.

That was enough for me, just being able to hold him, to have him beside me, safe and warm. Talking no longer seemed important for I was content enough with just this.

We lay there for a while, probably hours, just basking in each other's presence, lost in our own thoughts, only the sound of our breathing filling the room.

Until finally Kaygen spoke.

"Let's have sex."

I choked on air, being lost in my own thoughts, and they definitely were not the first words I was expecting out of his mouth.

"What-?" I didn't even know what to say, I was still questioning if I'd even heard him right.

"Do you not want to?" He asked, turning in my arms to face me.

"I always want to, but don't you want to talk about it first?" Of course, making love to my mate is something I'll always want to do, but we should consider his feelings first, surely.

"Sex first, talk after," he said, already making his mind up.

"But-" I didn't get to speak, cause his lips were already pressing feverishly against mine.

"No talk." His lips moulded perfectly against mine.

"I just want you now." His lips tasted so sweet, only parting for mere words before they were back against mine and damn, was he intoxicating.

It didn't take long until my mind was full of the feel of him and his presence, as he purposely seduced me.

His body pressed into mine on the bed, sending incredible tingles shooting through my entire being, he kissed me desperately, and I couldn't help but kiss him back just as hard, letting him take control as he climbed on top of me.

His legs slid either side of my waist, my head no longer touching the pillow as I lifted myself up on my elbows to kiss him back passionately.

I completely forgot about everything else, letting my mind fill with thoughts of just my mate as his body moved perfectly with mine.

I let him take dominance for as long as my wolf would allow, but I could feel him pushing through for the connection with our mate, now we were fully bonded everything felt much more intense than before, which I honestly didn't think were possible, but here we are.

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