Chapter Fifty-Four

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PSA: There's a lot of POV switching in this chapter so sorry if that kind of thing annoys you, it just felt necessary.

-Kaygen's POV-

My mind was still blown away by the beauty of Nate's wolf, it was so hard to believe what was right in front of me, but I've seen enough evidence to know what was true.

It surprisingly didn't bother me, in a way I kind of liked it, if I ever doubted before if Nate could truly protect me then I didn't have too now.

And to know that I was his mate, the one person he was destined to spend the rest of his life with, was extremely comforting.

I found myself grinning, I felt powerful, full of love and ready to concur whatever awaited us further down the road, for no better words; I felt complete.

There was just one last thing to do now, and that was move in with Laken, who knows what that would hold in store for me.

Would we get along like we once did, or would we be caught up in constant arguments? I mean we are brothers and twins at that, what brothers don't fight on occasion?

I knew just how fucking annoying he could be, but I actually missed it, I missed him pissing me off on a daily basis and if things got too bad, I could always go and stay at Nate's for a while.

I know Nate was excited to get more involved with his pack again, considering he'd been spending more time at his family's house than there.

But now we would get to see each other whenever we wanted, and we had our own private place to do so without any interfering parents, oh yeah, I already knew this was going to be fun.

My belongings were already in Nate's car waiting for me, and it was about time we started to head back.

It was already late into the night, probably around 10pm according to the moon, it still cast its magical glow down onto us.

Nate insisted that I climbed on his back, in wolf form, so he could get us back to the pack house faster, as we spent more time out in the woods than we had originally intended, let's not talk about that.

So now I was clinging to his fur as we rushed through the trees, it was definitely a weird and foreign experience, but it was exhilarating none the less, the wind on my face felt like I was flying as we rushed past the trees at an exceedingly high rate.

I suppose there were not rules on speeding out here in the woods, but I wrapped my arms around Nate's wolfs neck like my life depended on it, scared of falling, and at this speed, that definitely would not have a welcoming impact.

But true to his word, we got back to the pack house in no time at all, it had quietened down exceedingly inside but we didn't go in.

Nate shifted back into human form, stark naked in front of me, and I couldn't hold back my blush.

"What about your clothes?" I asked, gesturing back into the woods we had just come out of.

"Ah, don't worry about them, I'll collect them some other time," he grinned.

"You are not taking me to Laken's naked," I frowned.

"Aww, why not, you jealous someone will see what's yours?" He smirked, cockily, raising his eyebrows as he waited for a response.

"No, I'm worried they'll see those marks all over your body and know they're from me," I winked, and climbed into Nate's car, not waiting for a response, but I heard his laugh as I closed the passenger door behind me.

-Nate's POV-

Just how cheeky can my mate get? One thing I can say for sure is that there is never a dull moment when he is around, but come to think of it, he did leave some pretty obvious marks on my body, I wore them with pride and a huge grin on my face as I stepped into the pack house, these were marks neither me nor my wolf were interested in healing.

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