Chapter Fourteen

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-Laken's POV-

It is just after 11pm, the moon is shining through my window, leaving behind a beautiful glow that illuminated my bedroom in its light.

I know how late it is, yet I still reached for my phone and called Ash in a moment of freak-out. I have been laying on my bed for the past hour going over my conversation with Damon repeatedly in my head.

The more I thought about it, the more the nerves came back, I am still excited, but I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm an amateur and I really need some advice.

I only have one friend so my options are limited which meant poor Ash would have to help me through this, but technically that's his fault for deciding to remain my friend.

And anyway, isn't this what friends are for?

"Hey," he answered after the third ring, sounding vaguely distracted.

"You awake?" I asked, stupidly.

"No, I'm talking in my sleep," he answered.

"I think my sarcasm is rubbing off on you." I rolled my eyes, laying back down in bed after I decided I was done pacing around my room.

"Can I help you with something?" He ignored my words and jumped straight to the point.

"When is your date with Lacey?" I'm avoiding the point, as much as I want to scream from the rooftops that I have a date with the hottest man of earth, I'm still nervous.

"Saturday...I thought I told you that already. Why'd you ask?" He sounded suspicious, to be fair, I probably would be too.

"I may have a date of my own," I mumbled out slowly, I don't know why I felt so hesitant to tell him. Maybe a part of me is still worried he would react badly. To say you are gay is one thing but to prove it is a whole other thing.

"What?" He asked. Dammit, dammit, dammit. "Wanna say that again, without mumbling?"

"I have a date," I said more clearly, my hands twisting into my bedsheets.

"With...Damon?" He asked. No, with Santa clause.

"Mhm." Why am I so freaking nervous?

"About time," Ash sighed, and I was stunned into silence for a moment before I finally found my voice.

"Huh? So, you don't care?" Well, just about found my voice, as I stuttered out in confusion the only words my brain could think of.

"Why would I care? I told you to ask him on a date, didn't I? You've been pining over him for weeks, it was embarrassing to watch, not to mention pretty much every conversation you had was you talking about him." He did tell me to ask him out, didn't he? I'd been so lost in my own anxiety, I completely forgot.

"What??? Th-that's not true, I-he, no-but..." Damon wasn't all I talked about, was he?

"There's no point in denying it, L. I know you too well, honestly though, I'm happy for you, it's about time you got yourself a boyfriend." You're one to talk, I thought.

I sighed out in relief, feeling stupid for doubting Ash, and thankful to have a friend like him.

"Good things come in twos," I grinned, so we both had a date on the same day, now that's a coincidence.

"Threes," he cut off my thought.


"Good things come in threes," he corrected me, huh, I'm sure it was twos.

"Same difference," I shrugged off, smiling to myself.

"So, when's your date?" He asked, the sound of paper rustling through the phone.

I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now