Chapter Thirteen

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-Kaygen's POV-

It's annoying me and the fact that it's annoying me is just annoying me more. Urgh, why do you care, Kaygen?

You don't. Exactly, so let's just forget about it. I don't even know what class I am sitting in, Maths or History or something, not that I am paying attention anyway.

The back of my head pressed against the cold wall as I swung back in my chair, letting it lean against the wall. My eyes are shut but I can still feel his gaze on me.

Maybe he does like me.

Don't be stupid, Kaygen. Who on earth would like a bitter coward like you? And that was just it, I am a coward, maybe I always have been, but there was no changing that now, the damage has already been done.

"Kaygen," he whispered my name, and I had to stop myself from groaning aloud.

I ignored him but when he whispered my name again, I couldn't control my eyes from automatically opening, my eyes quickly finding his.

"What's wrong?" He asked once he finally had my attention. That is another thing that pissed me off, my facial expressions barely change, I always look pissed off, yet for some reason he can always tell when something is wrong, nobody else can do that, so what is this super power he seems to hold over me?

"Why didn't you hit him?" The words jumped out of my mouth and I silently cursed myself, why can't I just continue ignoring him?

I was half expecting a response like, why would I need to when you came running to my rescue, or I'm a lover, not a fighter. Pfft, yeah right, he is built like a brick house, there is no way he hasn't been in his fair share of fights.

Honestly, when I walked up on Nate and Brett, Nate looked about ready to commit homicide, if I hadn't interrupted when I did, maybe he would have.

However, Nate brushed a hand through his strewn blond hair, his all too familiar grin leaving his face temporarily, and for a moment, I thought I fucked up, but he looked at me calmly before a softer smile graced his lips.

"I was scared I wouldn't stop if I did." His look was thoughtful, he appeared cautious of his words. As if I would ever have the right to judge him.

"It would have only been what he deserves." Brett had no right to talk to Nate like that, and he certainly has no right butting into my business.

We aren't friends, we just hang out at school, he knows that, so why does he insist on having a hold on me?

"You're right, but what kind of guy would that make me?" He smiled wider, his gaze never leaving me.

He is a better man than I will ever be, that much is obvious. I still would have decked the bastard if I were him though.

"What kind of guy does it make me for hitting him?" I asked, I still don't know why he hung around me so much, and I couldn't help but wonder just how he saw me, what kind of person does he think I am?

"A protective one."

"What?" My response was immediate, I didn't expect that answer, protective?

"You came to my defence, didn't you? He was talking bad about me, so you hit him, was that not you protecting me?" Nate spoke so casually, his arms leaning on my desk, not a single molecule of his attention on the teacher.

He thinks I was protecting him, was I? Brett pissed me off, so I reacted and hit him, but I don't think that was for Nate, more just letting out my anger.

Although it was Nate he was talking bad about, it just angered me so much how Nate just stood there and took it.

He wanted to hit him so badly, but he didn't, why? So I did it instead, was that for him?

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