Chapter Forty-Two

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-Nate's POV-

"Nate..." My name had no right sounding that good on his tongue, speaking of his tongue, that was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. Easy Nate, no getting your wolf excited again, we came way too close to marking him.

"Yes, my love?" I smiled, gazing lovingly at him, I was surprised to see him grow nervous, but he tried to hide it.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" And that would be why he was nervous, hold on, did he think I would actually say no?

"Hell yes, I want to be your boyfriend," I nodded, keeping a straight face so he knows I'm deadly serious, no matter how much I wanted to grin with how happy I felt.

"Cool, so, your house?" He asked casually but I was too busy fanboying to respond immediately.

Kaygen is my boyfriend, mine, he's mine forever, it made me want to claim him even more, and taking him back to my house now would be really dangerous, but he knew that, so what exactly is he thinking?

I can't believe he asked me, my mate was always so full of surprises, I was actually going to ask him myself, but I didn't want to put too much pressure on him, but I guess I was wrong, Kaygen can handle a lot more than most, he was strong, and I loved him for it.

Speaking of which I should probably bring up that ily text at some point, I want to know if he meant it, although, I doubt he would say it if he didn't.

My heart felt so light, so full of life, the happiness I felt was one I treasured, so I held my head up high with a huge grin and took my boyfriend by the hand, leading him back out of the arcade.

I swung our interlocked hands back and forth, taking my time to get back to the car, simply enjoying life.

"Y'know, I was gonna treat you to lunch, the offer is still on the table if you want to find a restaurant, but I'm also cool going back to mine, the choice is yours baby," I said, knowing neither of us had eaten and it was already the afternoon.

"I am fucking starving," he admitted. "But could we find somewhere at least a little private?"

I'm glad I knew Kaygen enough to know it was his annoyance of outsiders that made him ask that question, and not the fact that he didn't want people to know he was on a date with me.

In fact, my mate looked like he couldn't care less what people thought, he proudly let me hold his hand in public and honestly, it surprised me, I was more than ready and willing to hide our relationship, but apparently that's not going to be a problem.

That only made me happier, because my wolf would not be happy to hide our relationship, he was still craving to mark him.

"Of course, my love." I'd rather avoid as many people as I possibly can at this point in time too, if anyone even looked at my mate for too long, I could lose it, which is another reason why it's a really good thing we skipped school today.

We found a nice little restaurant on the outskirts of town and asked for a private booth so we would be fairly hidden away from the other customers, I paid more but I didn't mind, I preferred it this way, and knowing my mate would be a lot more comfortable made it worth it.

We sat next to each other, but Kaygen left just enough room between us so I wouldn't wolf out in the middle of lunch, not that the space made much of a difference but at least I wouldn't be feeling his leg brush against mine throughout dinner, what a torture that would be.

"What are you getting?" He asked, his face practically buried into the menu as he eyed up the available dishes.

"Steak," I answered simply, not even bothering to look at the menu, knowing I'd just be wasting time if I did, I always order the same thing in the end anyway.

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