Chapter Thirty-Four

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-Kaygen's POV-

My eyes lolled open from where I lay sprawled out on the sofa, the house is silent, and I was now the only one on the sofa. Where the fuck did Nate go?

After a few failed attempts I managed to sit up, stretching in my seat with a yawn, my body aching slightly from falling asleep on the sofa. I hate to admit it, but I was a lot warmer and more comfortable with Nate sleeping next to me.

I shook my head, pulling myself up from the sofa and calling out to Nate, no response. I searched the house but came up empty, nobody is here, I looked out the window to see Nate's car gone.

Great, he left me here, maybe he went to get food, I thought. I pulled the phone out of my pocket; I had a few messages from the boys at school, but I ignored them.

Instead, I messaged L, whose number I never did delete from my phone, I don't know if he has a new one, but I didn't care, I sent it anyway.

-Sup bitch, what you doing?

His response was almost instant.

-At school where you should be, where the fuck are you?

-Didn't Damon tell you?

-No, we got...distracted.

-Gross, I don't want to know.

-Not like that, idiot. So where are you?

-Had a bad night so at Nate's but he's fucked off somewhere.

-Funny, I can't find Damon either.

-Think they ditched?

-Doubt it, I'm worried...

-They'll be fine, probs at their shared house.

-You don't understand...


-Nothing, I don't want to stay at school, can I come over?

-What about Ash?

-I'll talk to him now, send me Nate's address.


I sent L the address, assuming Nate wouldn't mind since he left me here anyway, but something told me if he did that, he had a good reason. I just hope he is okay, should I send him a message?

After thinking it over for way too long and typing and deleting a message constantly on my phone, I sighed, I didn't know what to say.

I think L's worry was rubbing off on me, my chest started to feel heavy and the need to see him surprised me, the anxiety growing with every second that passed.

Hopefully L won't be too long so I won't have to be in this house alone, left to wonder where on earth Nate could be.

A sigh escaped my lips once more and I stared down at my phone and forced myself to hit send on the message to Nate, I immediately closed the chat in embarrassment, heat rushing to my cheeks, at least nobody could see though.

The message simply read; ily

-Laken's POV-

"Boyfriend, huh? I'm guessing the date went well then?"

I turned around to guiltily look at Ash who had his arms folded as he looked at me unimpressed.

"I am so freaking sorry, man! It's been such a crazy weekend; I can't even begin to explain," I rushed out desperately, feeling bad that I had completely forgot to call Ash.

"Wait, did you say boyfriend?" I asked in surprise, how did he know?

"Yeah, K's goonies are running around telling everyone you and Damon are dating," he spat in annoyance, probably wishing to shut the idiots up but I didn't care, I liked having everyone know Damon belonged to me and if someone didn't like it, they can kiss my arse.

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