Chapter Fifty-Six

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-Damon's POV-

The pack house became quite busy after the ceremony, my dad insisted on meeting my mate officially and though I was quite nervous at first, surprisingly they hit it off just fine, my dad appreciated Laken's sense of humour and for that I was grateful.

They laughed and joked around the pack house, my dad even introducing him to some members of his own pack, although something was telling me that was more for Laken's sake, to somewhat adjust him to his future role as Alpha.

The thought still didn't set in with him properly, I could tell, but he was definitely putting his all into it, even going out of his way to make sure everyone was happy and comfortable, even though technically that should have been the packs job, to check on and support their new Alpha.

Of course, they were all supportive and friendly with my mate, which I will always appreciate, they made him feel welcome, which pleased me more than I can put into words.

Although the twins now shared their apartment, they spent a lot more time at the pack house, Laken adjusted a lot easier than Kaygen did at first, but even he eventually found himself fitting into the environment, and now they pretty much come round every day.

And I had to say, having Laken by my side all the time was as much rewarding as it was distracting, but Laken actually helps me get more done, with less procrastinating at his, I had more time to help around the pack and even help my dad out some.

All in all, I'd say the twins were fitting in perfectly.

Laken and I talked more about our future together, and after Laken spent several hours apologising to Ash for not being around as much, they decided to pursue music in college together.

Laken would still be around to help the pack, but he wasn't quite ready to drop out of education and fully commit just yet, which I couldn't blame him for, he still wanted to enjoy being young.

He also promised that if anything were to happen to my dad and I would have to take charge of a much larger pack, he would drop out of college immediately to help.

Although I insisted it wasn't needed, he didn't want all that pressure left on me alone, which was actually really sweet of him.

I spent a lot of time at his house as well, at this point we were rarely apart, but that was just the way I liked it.

Things couldn't be running smoother for me and my mate, but in the privacy of our own personal office, there were times where he was simply impossible to resist.

I'd say we had the advantage of the fact that we're young, but something tells me this wouldn't change no matter how old we get.

But who cares, we were happy, and I finally got my mate I always dreamed of, and I couldn't think of anyone better to cuddle up with at night.

-Laken's POV-

"Kaygen, hurry the fuck up we're going to be late!" I shouted for the millionth time with an eye roll that he probably felt.

"I'm coming! God, you're so annoying, have an ounce of patience, will you?" He sighed, storming into the living room.

"My patience left 20 minutes ago; can we go now? Mr I've got to look perfect for my boyfriend every time we go out, even though he'd still think you look good if you showed up in a bin bag." Seriously, he did this every day, and it was seriously getting annoying.

"Just because you don't care if your mate sees you dressed like a tramp," he huffed, checking his reflection one more time, before he finally took a step towards the door.

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