Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Warning: mild sexual content*

Nothing too bad but continue at own risk.

-Kaygen's POV-

I can't believe Nate knew the damn song I referenced but cut me a break, I was drunk and traumatised, okay? He is never going to let me live this down, is he?

I sat in the passenger seat of Nate's car with my head in my hands, wishing the world would just swallow me up.

The want to crawl back into bed and stay there all day only got stronger. Hurry the fuck up Nate, what are you even doing in there?

As if hearing my thoughts, the driver's door opened and Nate climbed into the car, but I refused to look at him, it was way too bright out and my headache was only getting worse.

"Can you take me home now?" I asked, not wanting to deal with my parents but my body was craving more sleep, being awake right now just hurt too much.

"You don't want to come back to mine?" He asked, I could feel his gaze on me, and he sounded kind of sad, how could one boy be so needy?

"I just want to sleep, I don't care where," I sighed, keeping my eyes covered from the blinding sun.

Nate hummed and the car started moving again and soon we were pulling up at Nate's house once again, my parents are so going to kill me when I get home but for now, I didn't care.

I managed to climb out of the car and Nate once again led me to his room where I threw myself down on his bed and hid under the covers.

"At least take your shoes off," he laughed, and I felt the bed dip beside me.

I kicked my shoes off but since I was wearing joggers, I just kept them on and snuggled deep under the blankets, covering my face and finally beathing out in relief.

I just want to sleep the rest of the day away, and with that thought in mind, I was out in seconds. Finally.

-Nate's POV-

It didn't take long to hear Kaygen's soft breathing as he drifted off into what was hopefully a peaceful sleep.

Just him being in my bed where I could see him brought me a huge amount of comfort. I was half tempted to crawl under the sheets with him and sleep, but I really wasn't feeling tired, although maybe I could just cuddle him for a bit?


"Shhh!" I immediately shushed my baby sister who came barging into the room, I didn't want her to wake Kaygen, not when he looked so peaceful and content.

"Mum wants you," she whispered, gesturing with her little hand for me to follow her.

I sighed out in relief when Kaygen didn't even stir, he really is tired, not even I could sleep through the painful screech of my sister.

With one last glance at my mate, I smiled and followed Lucy out of my room, making sure to close the door quietly behind me.

We walked down the stairs and into the living room where our mum was watching the television with a hot cup of tea.

"Yeah ma?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the chairs and focusing on the TV, it was playing some cooking show this time, she loves these kinds of programmes.

"Do you and Kaygen want some lunch?" She asked, I could definitely eat but I don't think Kaygen will be awake for a while.

"Yes please, can you wrap Kaygen's up for later though? He's sleeping," I explained, sinking further into my chair, and trying to figure out what on earth they were trying to make on the TV.

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