Chapter Five

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-Kaygen's POV-

How annoying. Not only do I already have to deal with the idiots at this school, but now I have a lost puppy following me around.

Nate freaking Brose. How can somebody be so damn happy all the time? I really want to wipe that smile off his face.

It's been days, weeks, I don't even know anymore, but everywhere I go he is there and when I finally told him to piss off, he just grinned, batting his eyelashes innocently, seriously, what did he want from me?

Did he take it upon himself to be my personal tormenter?

Is this God's punishment? Heaven knows I deserve it, that's why I put up with it, the only reason I let him stick around me, and why I haven't punched him in the face yet, I deserve this.

But what bothers me is how happy he seems about it; does he take joy in my misery? Because surely, he doesn't enjoy spending all this time with me.

What pisses me off the most though is that I am getting used to him being there. Even when my friends got bored and wandered off to where the fuck ever, Nate is always there, he never leaves, he'd have the occasional conversation with his friends before he is back at my side again.

Do his friends not question this? Is it only me that thinks this is weird? He's like a leach that latched on when he first saw me, and I haven't been able to get rid of him ever since.

Although, I can't really say I've tried hard to get rid of him, like I said, I deserve this.

But what I don't deserve is the fact that I am actually starting to enjoy his presence, how disgusting can I get? I am really a masochist, enjoying my tormenters presence, I guess there is no real punishing the sinner.

I don't deserve to enjoy it, but as much as I hate to admit it, his smile brightens my day slightly, it makes being alive slightly more bearable. It is pathetic.

"You coming, Kaygen?" He grinned.

"Yeah," I mumbled, shuffling my feet along the floor as I continued to glare at the ground.

Truly pathetic.

-Laken's POV-

I feel like shit. After detention was over, I manged to catch Ash after his rehearsal, and he drove me home. A few days have passed since then but not a lot has happened, honestly. That was good, boring was good, boring meant no drama.

Damon still decided he wants to be my friend for some reason, and the crush I have on him hasn't gotten any better during that time. The more time I spend with him, the more it seems my feelings for him grow.

It's irritating, have I not been through enough, already? Am I so eager to shed more tears? But I can't shake off the feeling that maybe this time will be different.

I did try not to get my hopes up, but it's hard to ignore the butterflies in my stomach whenever he looked at me, or the blush that flared my cheeks with each smile directed my way.

He had invited me to join his table for dinner a few times but each time I declined, it wasn't that I didn't want to eat dinner with him, on the contrary I did, I just didn't want the attention from his friends.

Even though Damon assured me so many times that they were all good people, I just wasn't very good at this socialising business anymore.

I saw Nate a lot, he would always greet me with a grin on his face, but these days he was always with Kaygen. I still couldn't get it into my head that Nate has a crush on him, but it is a little reassuring at least, that means Damon won't care when he finds out I'm gay, right?

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