Chapter Three

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Warning again! Homophobic slur and strong language. Probably not gonna give anymore warnings until we get to the steamy stuff so just tread carefully.

I don't know how often I will be able to update this story so enjoy fast updates while my brain still works at full capacity.

Enjoy, and leave a like if you want more!


-Damon's POV-

I couldn't stop thinking about Laken. Ever since I left his house last night, it's like I couldn't get him out of my head, I spent the night reliving our dinner over, and over again.

Knowing my mate was here all along made me wish we had moved here sooner, but I guess that couldn't have been helped, I wouldn't want to bring forward those events, no matter how badly I wanted my mate.

Laken was the reason I was pulling up to school an hour early, seriously who is even here at this time? I sighed, relaxing into the driver's seat as I let my mind wander to the only thing it has been able to think of since yesterday morning.

He really was incredible on stage, I'd never heard such a beautiful voice before and the emotions he put into it, I felt them all to my very core, I wanted to hold him, to take away all his pain but I couldn't, and that only hurt me more.

Who hurt him and why? Sure, it could be easily misunderstood as him just being a good actor but with emotions that raw, that kind of thing came from the heart, only someone who had truly experienced heartbreak could portray it that well.

I can't wait to get to know my mate, to learn what he likes and what he hates, I want to know everything. But first, I need to find out if he's even gay. It will make things a lot more complicated if he's not.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw students start to make their way towards the school building, I guess I spaced out for a lot longer than I originally planned, but luckily, I still had time to catch Laken before class started, that's if he was even here yet.

Pulling myself out of the car, I rushed inside, not seeing any of my pack along the way, they would probably show up late as always, not that it bothered me, usually I'd be late too.

My eyes searched the hallway, looking for only one person, I really had fallen hard and so fast too, of course I had heard stories than when you meet your mate it's love at first sight, but I didn't know they meant that literally.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of him, but something was wrong, my heartbeat didn't pick up when I looked at him, nor did I feel the need to jump his bones. What the fuck?

I approached him anyway, confused as to what was happening, was I wrong? No, I felt it, I swear I did. What the hell is going on? I felt myself getting irritated, so I increased my speed.

"Laken!" I called out as I grabbed his arm, but no shivers wracked my body, I hadn't touched Laken yet, but I knew how it was supposed to feel, but with my hand on his arm, I felt nothing.

He roughly pushed my arm away, turning to me with a look of disgust.

"Don't associate me with that faggot." His voice was gruff, he didn't sound like Laken at all, in fact now that he was right in front of me, he didn't even look like him.

"Sorry, I thought you were Laken." My voice was low as I tried to put two and two together. Wait, what did he call him?

"Seriously, why do I have to look like that queer?" He huffed, annoyance leaking from his tongue.

"Don't call him that," I spat bitterly, glaring daggers into the boy I don't even know, who looks so much like the boy I so desperately want to know.

"What the fuck ever," he groaned, taking his leave before I got the nerve to punch him in the throat.

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