Chapter Forty-Nine

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-Damon's POV-

We left the restaurant full and happy, hand in hand with the sun setting in the background, we were both fully aware of it, yet neither of us dared to mention it just yet.

But I could feel it, the moon calling me from a distance, increasing my desire with every second that passed, my blood hissed painfully as I forced myself to climb into the car.

My skin felt uncomfortable on my body, almost itchy, my wolf clawed at my chest, feeling the same displeasure I was.

It was foreign and I didn't like it at all, in fact I wanted to jump out of my skin, and swallowing down became a lot harder than I remembered.

I was all too aware of Laken's movements as he climbed into the passenger seat beside me, but all I could do was stare ahead, almost lost in a daydream.

"You okay?" His words sounded distant, yet too close, caressing my ears and circling around my brain.


I forced myself to nod, not trusting my words, I felt almost paralysed, like my lips wouldn't move even if I tried.

"Damon?" His words, so quiet, yet so loud, echoing all around me, my heartbeat was too loud, everything too loud.

Why is it so damn hot?

It burned, everything too bright, too strong, it hurt, a lot.

I felt Laken's hand touch my arm and I inhaled sharply, the heat flushed through the area he touched, tingles stronger than I had ever felt before.

He recoiled at my response, but the feeling never left, it lingered for what felt like forever, and only once it finally eased, could I bring myself to even glance in my mate's direction.

Once I did, he gasped.

"I think now would be a good time to go home," he only said, not commenting on my actions.

I didn't need to see to know what he was talking about, I could feel the power of my wolf rushing through me, the effects of the moon, my eyes were bright red, and I need to get out of the public eye, now.

"Need me to drive?" He offered, watching me warily.

"I'm fine," I said, but it came out as more of a growl.

I forced my wolf back as much as I could, opening the window to get some much-needed air, and started the car, taking off in the direction of the pack house.

Once we were about halfway to our destination, and away from the city, I finally managed to speak, having gained just enough control for now.

"I'm sorry, my love. The full moon is really getting to me now," I admitted with a sigh, feeling bad for acting cold towards him, but I was just trying to hold back my wolf.

"You can say that again, it's okay, we're not too far now and then you can sink your teeth into my neck all you want."

"Baby...," I growled, fighting off my wolf, but the sound of Laken's laughter hitting my ears calmed me down instantly, and I didn't have to fight too hard.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, you've fought it for this long, you can fight it for a bit longer," he smiled, but I could see the look in his eyes, he was dying to tease me, but for his sake and mine, I'm glad he didn't.

After what felt like forever, we finally arrived at the pack house, and I really had to stop myself from grabbing his hand and running to our secret location, how desperate that would have looked, but something told me he would have liked that.

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