Chapter Fifty

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-Nate's POV-

I squinted behind my eyes as the morning sun peeped through the curtains, shining its loud light over my closed eye lids, that turned red with colour.

A groan left my lips as I attempted to roll over, hoping to shield my eyes from the brightness, but instead I was met with a heaviness on top of me, making rolling over a lot more effort than I was willing to give at that time of morning.

So instead, I stayed in that position on my back, letting the sun irritate me, however the warmth was nice on my face, and I slowly tried to open my eyes through the sun and sleep.

My eyes lolled open, squinted gently to try to ease the pressure on my wakening eyes, and I smiled.

Kaygen lay with his head on my chest fast asleep, an arm bent next to his head and across my upper chest, his hand laying carelessly on my shoulder.

He always looked so calm when he slept, like he finally let his walls slide and his face relax, he was peaceful, and it filled me with life.

What a great way to wake up, I no longer cared about the sun, my full attention was now on my mate as he slept peacefully on my chest, and I didn't dare move until he woke.

I'm not sure when that was, but after awhile I felt him shift.

"Stop staring at me," he thought, and I smiled even wider, we were truly connected now, and to be able to share a mind link with my mate was incredible.

"Good morning, baby." I didn't say the words aloud, because I didn't need to, I know he heard me.

Kaygen groaned, shifting slightly, and turning his head the other way on my chest.

"Too early," he grumbled, not opening his eyes, and definitely preparing himself to go back to sleep.

But instead, he shot up, turning to face me with a look of half confusion, half amazement.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried, stroking his arm in an attempt to calm him.

He breathed out, instantly calming from my touch and his lips slowly parted.

"You spoke to me in my head," he said, straight faced and I had to hold back a laugh from his reaction.


"Do it again." He seemed so serious, which was weird for this time of morning, but I abided his wish and spoke again, but not aloud this time.

"Your wish is my command," I smiled, watching him carefully.

"Huh," he simply said, moving to sit beside me on the bed, with his head against the headboard.

"Are you okay?" I asked again, taking his hand in mine, he let me intertwine my fingers with his as he seemed lost in thought, yet his head was silent.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay, it's just...different," he said quietly, his eyes falling onto our intwined hands.

"I know, you will get used to it," I tried to reassure him, but I was so happy, it was hard to think straight.

"You're just there, you know? And I know you're there anyway, but it's like a fuck ton more intense, like you're there. And every part of me is aware of that," he struggled to explain it, but albeit it was new to him, but I still knew exactly what he meant.

Our auras were now a lot more prominent to one another, he could feel me more intensely, he was no longer just aware of my presence, he was aware of everything.

"I didn't think it could get anymore intense than it already was but boy was I wrong." In fact, I couldn't stop staring at him, he was my amazement and my muse.

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