Chapter Twenty-One

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-Nate's POV-

My teeth tore into the rogue's neck, watching the wolf fall lifeless to the floor in front of me, just as Damon jumped on another one. Okay, one left, I saw them sneaking up behind Damon as he was focused on the other wolf, I don't think so, I was instantly in front of him.

I bared my teeth at the rogue, whose attention quickly turned to me, jumping for an attack, and knocking me to the ground, but I quickly pushed them off.

The sound of a wolf howling in pain echoed behind me, but it wasn't my Alpha, so I didn't even spare them a glance.

I charged at the rogue, my teeth sinking into their side, making them howl in pain before I felt the full force of their body push against mine. I flew to the side, feeling the dirt beneath me coating my fur.

Bastard, you're not gonna get away with that. I quickly climbed to my feet again, glaring at the rogue and lunging once again, but this time Damon was at my side.

I smirked as the rogue slowly backed off, its eyes glancing between the two of us. Now you're done for.

We charged at the same time, overwhelming the rogue, I held the wolf down as Damon's deadly bite ripped through its throat.

His body lay motionless on the ground and silence once again took over, then Damon made sure I was okay.

"All good here, Alpha," I smirked.

Nobody messes with my mate.

-Kaygen's POV-

I don't know what I was thinking, walking into the woods I know absolutely nothing about, maybe I wasn't thinking, maybe I thought so little of myself that I just didn't care anymore.

I'm lost, that much I knew but I didn't care. The bottle of Whisky in my hand was nearly empty, and I could feel my head getting heavier. There was a tingling in my body that made me feel light, what a stupid fucking idea.

I swallowed down the last bit of liquor, before throwing the bottle as hard as I could against a nearby tree, I watched the bottle shatter, shards of glass scattering around the bark.

Dammit, why did I do that? Some poor unfathomable animal could get hurt now because I can't control my anger, my emotions always hold a control over me, it makes me feel weak, I want to throw up.

Why don't I have more control? Am I destined to feel trapped inside myself? I just want to be true to myself, to the people I care about.

I lost everything that ever mattered to me, so why did I just sit back and let that happen? Why am I so damn weak?

I shook my head, trying to take in air as I forced my legs to move once more, I shouldn't be out here so late at night.

They'll be pulling my body out of here in a few days' time knowing my luck, not that anyone would care., I shook my head, I screwed things up with him like a moron, I'd be lucky if he even spared me a sidewards glance now.

The moon was the only thing illuminating the land, providing just enough light to navigate the area, the problem was everything looked the same, countless trees blocking the view of the outside world.

It was quiet in here, relaxing, I liked it. Maybe I could leave home and come live in the woods, left to fend for myself. I couldn't imagine myself being particularly good at hunting though, let alone defending myself, who am I kidding? I'd be dead within the first week.

This is why I'm a disappointment, I've got nothing going for me, sure I can sing just as well as Laken can, but I never showed anybody, nobody knew I had that talent in me, and I was too scared to show anyone.

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