Chapter Thirty-Two

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-Kaygen's POV-

Unfortunately, the night came to an end, it was already close to midnight and we all had school tomorrow, so we reluctantly bid farewell and Nate offered to drive me home.

It was like being forced back into reality after a really good dream, having to open your eyes and face the harsh reality of the world again. I don't want to go home, especially so late, my dad will be home and I'm willing to bet he wasn't in bed.

I really don't know how I'm going to act around L at school tomorrow but at least I don't have to worry about anybody spying on me anymore.

My so-called friends were bound to say something if they saw me hanging around L though, maybe I'd get the confidence to tell them to fuck off, I guess we'll see.

Nate's hand took hold of mine while the other remained on the wheel, almost as if he felt my mood drop.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just don't want the night to end," I admitted as I watched the road beneath the car rush passed.

"Me either, I had a lot of fun," he smiled, sadly.

"You know you can always stay at mine, right?" He offered but I shook my head.

"Thanks, but I can't." What am I waiting for? As soon as my parents found out about me and Nate, they'll kick me out anyway. So, what am I still holding onto?

I suppose I could give it a few more days, then move in with L, I don't want to be a burden to Nate and his family, and hopefully by then L and I will be back to the way we always were.

At least it gives me a few days to prepare, to pack and mentally say goodbye. I'm lucky I have time, L didn't, he was forced to leave before he could even realise what was going on.

"Give me a few days. I'll tell you everything tomorrow," I told him, squeezing his hand.

"No worries baby, you can take your time, I'll always be here." Nate always brought me so much comfort and I still don't believe I deserve it, but maybe I'll get there some day.

Nate pulled up into my drive, killing the engine as he watched my house. All the lights were off, but dad's car was parked in the drive next to where Nate had just parked his own car.

Hopefully, he fell asleep on the couch watching tv again, I just want to crawl into bed and sleep, I didn't have the energy to deal with him right now.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Thanks Nate," I smiled softly, taking a deep breath, and mentally preparing myself for whatever I was about to walk into.

The inside of the house was dark and quiet, I could just hear the engine of Nate's car as he drove away, and the sinking feeling came back to me. It paralysed me in place as I tried to control my breathing, my back pressed up against the door.

I could see the stairs in front of me, presenting its path to freedom but the living room was to the left of me, I could tell the door was open from the clear sound of the television.

I had two options, I could make a break for it and run as fast as I can or I could try and sneak passed, if he is asleep, I didn't want to risk waking him so the safer option would probably be to sneak passed, right?

My body was shaking slightly, if he catches me, I'm done for, it's passed midnight and it's not like I can tell him I've been hanging out with my brother and a guy I am surely falling in love with.

Shaking my head, I held my breath, you can do this, small steps. I stepped passed the open door slowly, avoiding looking into the open door before I reached the bottom of the stairs and sighed.

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