Chapter Thirty-Three

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-Damon's POV-

Nate sent me a message that something important came up with his mate, I hope he wasn't just using that as an excuse to skip school.

Trust me, if I could skip school to spend the whole day with my mate, I would be doing that all the time, but unfortunately, I can't.

Nate's wolf was on guard all night though, so maybe something really did happen, I hope he's okay, and I hope Nate can control his wolf.

It didn't take me long to find Laken, but I could feel my anger rising when I did, he was by his locker surrounded by three guys that I always saw Kaygen with.

My mate looked scared but tried to hold a brave face as he spoke bitterly to his tormentors, I walked over calmly, placing my hand on the shoulder of the guy that stood right in front of my mate, way too close for my liking.

"Buzz off!" He hissed, pushing my hand of his shoulder aggressively. "Can't you see we're busy?" He glared at me in pure hatred for ruining his fun.

Laken smiled when he saw me, breathing out in relief.

"I think you're done here." There was a threating tone in my voice even though I spoke calmly.

"Dude, maybe we should go," another boy spoke, I could hear a slight tremor in his voice as he glanced around hesitantly.

"Fuck that, I ain't scared of this guy." The one in front of me appeared to be the leader of their little crew, but we all knew it was Kaygen that held the power in the group, but he wasn't here so they had free reign to cause torment.

I grabbed his shoulder again, pulling him back this time before I placed myself in front of Laken, I didn't want them so close to him, so I took a protective stance in front of my mate.

The boy held a look of shock from how easily I moved him before his glare came back at full force, he was definitely brave, I'll give him that, stupidly brave.

"Leave," I instructed, and watched as the two guys either side backed up, but the idiot in front of me didn't budge.

"Make me," he seethed through clenched teeth, I'd rather avoid fighting humans if I could help it, but I gave him a chance to walk away, he didn't take it.

I grabbed the front of his shirt, so it was scrunched up in my fist, pulling him closer with a scowl, watching his eyes widen in fear and surprise.

What? He really didn't think I'd fight him. Usually, I wouldn't but this is for my mate, I'd make them leave Laken alone, even if it were the last thing I ever did.

My head collided with his just as I let go of the front of his shirt and he fell down to the ground with a groan, looking around confused and dazed.

That's when I felt Laken's hands on the back of my shirt, my head turned to the side to see him standing on his tiptoes peering over my shoulder with an expression that read that looked like it hurt.

His eyes turned to me when he noticed I was looking at him and he smiled brightly, I couldn't help but return the gesture, my mate is so fucking cute.

I'd probably given him a concussion with how hard I hit him, it's one of the reasons I avoid fighting humans, you have to go easy on them, so you don't end up killing them, but he'll be alright.

He glared up at me from where he'd pulled himself up into a sitting position, his friends joined him by his side, helping him to stand up.

"Leave my boyfriend alone," I demanded, taking Laken's hand in mine and pulling him away from the bullies, hoping they'd remember this before they try anything in the future, but I'll always be here to protect him, so I wasn't worried much.

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