Chapter Twenty-Four

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-Nate's POV-

He can blame the alcohol all he wants but his body was too honest, it told me everything I needed to know, and it made me incredibly happy.

I was expecting Kaygen to throw more excuses my way, to tell me last night meant nothing and it was simply the alcohol in his system that made him do what he did.

But I was wrong again, I was beginning to love being proved wrong by this boy, because the truth was always so much better. He smiled, it was small, but it said so much, he wasn't pushing me away, he wasn't denying it, he was teasing.

It just took me a moment to realise that, and just when I think I can't possibly fall even more in love with him than I already do, he does something so simple and steals more of my heart. He can have it, it's all his.

Waking up next to Kaygen was one of the best things that has ever happened to me, only third best to the two kisses I have now shared with him.

And I learnt something new, something that I didn't bring up no matter how much I wanted to tease him about it, but I figured I'd hold onto it until a better opportunity arose. My mate, Kaygen, cuddles in his sleep.

It was freaking adorable, although I feel like I should test that when he's sober, just to make sure it wasn't the alcohol in his system making him cling to me, he also mumbled a lot, how could he ever deny being adorable?

I wanted to wake up with him in my arms every day, I would always start the day off in the best of moods if that were the case, and more cuddles from my baby, hell yeah.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, we still sat on the bathroom floor but Kaygen showed no signs of throwing up again anytime soon.

"Like shit," he answered, honestly, finally pushing himself up from the floor. I quickly helped him, wrapping my arm around his waist to help him with his balance and he flushed the toilet, washing away the poison from last night, I still didn't know what made him drink in the first place or why on earth he thought it was a good idea to wander off into the woods late at night on his own.

But again, he didn't know I was there, I could ask why he was drunk though and maybe he'd tell me about the woods incident but for now he should rest, I can only imagine how much his head hurt right now and I didn't want to put more pressure on him when he is feeling down.

I grabbed a spare toothbrush from the cabinet and handed it to Kaygen before grabbing my own. He thanked me quietly before he started to wash the vile taste out of his mouth, I was brushing my teeth at the same time and I don't know how to explain it.

Such a simple thing like this made me happier than it really should have, but I think it was because in a way it felt like were a married couple and that thought made me feel giddy with excitement.

I spat the toothpaste out before leaving my toothbrush on the side, Kaygen brushed for longer to make sure the taste was completely gone and probably enjoying the freshness that left with the alcohol.

So, I left him to it while I turned on the shower and made sure the temperature was good, then I removed my boxers, letting them drop to the floor and climbed into the shower.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief through a mouth full of toothpaste, but he refused to look at me.

"What?" I grinned, innocently, enjoying the feel of the water instantly soothing my body.

"You can join me if you want." I was hoping he'd say yes, but I knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon.

Kaygen spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his mouth with water, before placing his toothbrush next to mine and shutting off the water.

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