Chapter Forty-Five

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-Damon's POV-

It is officially Friday; the day of the full moon, and here I am lying on my bed at the pack house, staring at the ceiling at half past four in the morning.

My eyes are burning but no amount of pain could force my body to sleep right now, and the pain only seemed to keep growing, I need my mate. I knew it was a bad idea to leave him last night, but I didn't trust myself not to mark him.

I didn't know how my wolf would react once the day came, but now I'm not so sure if this is better or worse, it definitely feels worse.

My wolf was practically pacing, or at least it felt like it, he was biting his tongue so hard he hadn't spoke to me at all, it felt like he was giving me the silent treatment, but I completely understood, it was taking everything he had right now not to lose it.

Not that I would let him take control so easily, but he knew I was weakened because of it, and it would cost a lot of strength and energy to hold him back.

But there was one thing we could agree on right now, and that was that we both wanted to see Laken.

I let my mind wander as I lay in bed for just a bit longer, knowing it was way too early to be doing anything, it's still dark outside, even if the sun will be rising soon.

Yet with every second that passed, I couldn't stop thinking about Laken, I could see him perfectly in my mind, down to the very last feature, but the more I thought about him, the more restless I became.

I need to shower, I thought, running a hand through my hair, ignoring how my breathing had picked up slightly, I just need to distract myself.

The pack house was quiet because of how early it was, most people still asleep in their beds, unaware of their restless Alpha pacing the halls.

Nate didn't come home last night either, and there was only one other place he could be, and if he is there, it means Kaygen is with him.

That would only ever lead to one thing with how bad Nate was struggling, with Kaygen right by his side, leaving his scent all over his room and bed sheets, no wolf would ever be able to resist so close to the full moon.

The thought bothered me, of course, I'm happy that Nate mated with Kaygen, but a part of me was jealous, even though I am more than willing to wait for Laken, there was that part of me that wished we could mate too.

Maybe that was the full moon talking, for now I'd be satisfied to just be near him. School is going to be a massive pain today; I already know it.

So, with a sigh I climbed into the shower, not caring to wait for the water to warm up as I pressed myself underneath the shower head and let the cold-water cascade down my body.

A hiss slipped passed my clenched teeth, but I forced myself to endure it, I have to hold my control in any way I can.

Even if Laken says he doesn't mind if I mark him, I don't think he'd appreciate it very much if it happened at school.

Of course, I know my wolf and I have a strong understanding of each other, which means we are fighting together but after seeing how much effect the full moon was having on Nate, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.

I could feel the pain already, from being away from my mate, the craving had me feeling agonizingly numb, it was a hard one to explain and was anything but pleasurable.

We need to see our mate and soon, but I could feel the pull of the moon, the power surging through my wolf, would he be able to hold back? And more importantly will I be able to stop him if he can't?

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