Chapter Ten

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-Laken's POV-

School is finally over and even though it was my first day back and the weekend would soon be upon us, I am still eager to go home.

Ash has rehearsal again, but Damon has already done so much for me that I don't want to ask him for a lift again, I don't need to feel any worse than I already do.

I can't even think of a way to repay him for everything, I doubt he'd let me, but that's not up to him.

Sighing, I made my way out of the school, and mentally prepped myself for the walk home. At least it is a little warmer today, so I won't complete freeze my ass off trying to get home.

I reached the corner of the parking lot before a car was pulling up beside me, they beeped their horn and I jumped, quickly turning to see who it was.

Damon was sitting in the car with an eyebrow raised, and the window rolled all the way down.

"Get in," he demanded. Jeez, someone's pushy.

"I don't mind walking," I said, as cars slowly started to line up behind Damon, who refused to move.

"Get in," he said again, the dominance in his voice was doing absolutely nothing for my innocence.

"Seriously, Damon, you've already done so much for me, I can walk home this one time." The queue of cars was piling up and soon people started honking their horns, but Damon paid no attention as he stared me down.

Fuck me.

I ran around to the other side of the car and pulled the door open, putting my hand up to the cars behind us to apologise, before jumping inside and closing the door.

"Go!" I shouted, and Damon finally put his foot on the gas as I quickly fastened my seatbelt.

When we were finally away from the school, and the line of people we had pissed off, I sighed in relief.

"And you say I'm stubborn," I said, as my heartbeat mostly returned to normal, it can never fully return to normal with Damon being so close.

Curse my heart for beating harder for him. Damon laughed, a proud smirk sitting on his face. Stubborn ass. Stubborn sexy ass. Stubborn sexy ass that makes me want to follow his every command.

What the hell was that anyway? Why did he sound so...domineering?

Our car rides always turned out to be silent, but it was a comfortable silence that I could easily fall into.

Being around other people was always draining for me, even Ash who had been my best friend for five years. Yet that never seemed to happen around Damon, I felt at peace in his presence.

It's hard to find the right words, I guess you could say it just felt right.

Which is why it is so fucking hard to crush the feelings I have for him. Argh, he is torturing me, and he has no idea.

Or maybe he does know and he's just really sadistic, who knows. All I know is that we're gonna pull up at my house, I'm going to get all nervous and fidgety, and probably end up inviting him in again, and hopefully not end up jumping him.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if I said anything weird while I was sick, I was delusional, so it wouldn't be surprising to learn that I did. Oh god, that would be so embarrassing, but he didn't say anything.

Although he would probably just ignore it since I was sick anyway, right? Maybe. Yeah.


"Huh?" I asked, snapping my head to the side, his voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

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