Chapter Sixteen

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-Nate's POV-

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked, putting down my controller as I leant back on Kaygen's bed.

"Can't we just ignore them?" He sighed, his eyes cast down on the controller in his hands.

"We can, but maybe talking about it will help." I was leaning against the wall, while facing his direction so I had a rather good view of him, but I had an even better view when he turned to face me.

"There's nothing to talk about, they argue all the time, have done ever since Laken left." So, he can say his name.

"Do you hate him?" I asked, something I'd been wanting to know the answer to for a long time. Hell, we all wanted to know.

"No." Thought so. "I never have." Then why did he react so badly? I can't help but blame his parents for all of this, it just didn't seem like the Kaygen I know.

"So, you have to deal with them arguing all the time, no wonder you're always so broody." Kaygen's head shot up to glare as me, but when he saw me grinning, he relaxed.

"Maybe," he said, moving himself further back on the bed so he was also leaning against the wall, and now he faced me completely. "So, why are you always so happy?"

"What's not to be happy about? I'm in the best company," I flirted, but he didn't seem to falter as he raised an eyebrow, sighing aloud.

"Yeah, cause I'm such great company," he rolled his eyes, not believing me for a second.

"Well, I don't see you like everybody else sees you." This got him curious as he watched me.

"And how's that?" I'm glad you asked, my love.

"You're hurting, which is why you act the way you do, so nobody can find out. But you're actually really cool, you defend your friends, your real friends. Everyone is pretty much scared of you, which amuses the fuck out of me, you're really good at video games, and you're actually really smart, even though you try to hide it."

Kaygen eyes were wide, his lips straight as he took in my words, he was silent, so I continued.

"You care a lot more than you give on, and you don't let people walk all over you. You're funny and adorable, and super strong, I don't think I'd ever see you back down from a fight and whether you see that as a good thing or not, I think it's a good trait to have," I smiled.

"I'm not adorable." What? Oh my god, how can you say that?

"That's what you took from that?" And you're a pain in the ass, I thought. But you're my pain in the ass.

He sighed, his head leaning against the cold wall.

"I hate how well you can read me, literally no one else can, and then you come along and it's like I can't hide anything from you, stop reading me so easily, it pisses me off." His eyebrows were furrowed, I think this is the longest conversation I have ever had with him. I'm just hitting all kinds of milestones today.

"I can't help that. You fascinate me." It's true, ever since I met him, I wanted to know everything, and I made that my goal.

"You're an idiot," he deadpanned, making me laugh.

I leaned in closer to him, feeling his warmth, and again he didn't move away.

"And you're adorable," I grinned.

There was anger in Kaygen's eyes as he glared at me, wow, he really doesn't like me calling him adorable.

Well, maybe if he weren't so freaking adorable, I would stop calling him that.

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