Chapter Forty-Seven

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-Laken's POV-

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what movie I chose, I just went for the first one that looked like it could actually be interesting, which meant full of aliens and cyborgs and shit.

I was mostly just looking for a reason to hang out with Damon outside of school, I mean if the full moon is only going to make you suffer, then technically that should be a good enough reason to call in sick, right?

Although Damon seemed to be handling it well, who knew what was really going on inside his head, after all, I saw the effects it had on Nate, he was close to going borderline crazy.

I assume I'll see them again after their long weekend of getting cosy, skipping school two days in a row, tut tut, I hope Kage doesn't end up going back home alone, because there is no way the school didn't ring our parents.

I'm sure Nate would go with him anyway, well as long as Kaygen puts his stubbornness aside for a few hours, I'd offer to go with him myself, but fuck that, that's what Nate is for, right?

The movie theatre was practically empty, except for a few people sat at the front, and with the only light coming from the big screen, it was a perfectly private place to tease my big bad werewolf.

I am practically testing his control at this point, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? I actually wouldn't complain if he marked me right here, right now, but I know he wants to do things properly, the want to tease him is too strong though.

Argh, how annoying, I want to tease him but if I trigger his wolf to bite me, I'll feel bad because he wants to do things properly.

I don't handle predicaments very well, I'm more of a best of both worlds' kind of guy, but that isn't an option in this situation.

Fuck it, if I want to tease my boyfriend, I'll tease my boyfriend, and if his wolf does so happen to take over, I can always stop him from marking me, right?

I'm sure it will be fine.

"Am I annoying?" I suddenly asked, curious to know the answer, I definitely know that sometimes I can be a bit much, I pretty much learnt that from Ash and Kaygen, but they tolerate me because they love me, I don't know if that will be the same for Damon, I know I'm his mate but even werewolves have a limit, right?

"No." One word, it was an answer, but my sensitive ass wanted more than that.

"No...?" I opened the question for him, hoping he'd understand.

"You're not annoying, my love, you're funny and wonderful, and you keep me on my toes, not to mention you're utterly adorable and I treasure every second we spend together, and if it were possible, I would have already had you move in with me.", that was a much better answer. I beamed brightly at him, lacing my fingers with his, he gladly took my hand, rubbing calming circles on my hand with his thumb.

"I love you," he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too," I smiled, cuddling up closer to him.

The adverts finally started playing and since they are basically the best part of the whole movie, I had to watch them.

I was surprised that there were actually some decent movies coming out this year, maybe we'll have to come back to watch some of them, one we actually want to watch this time, instead of a spare of the moment random film.

It was a ton of fun though, we were about halfway through when all the snacks were gone, Damon and I had somehow conjugated into one seat, and the movie wasn't half bad, it was about cyborgs and aliens, which is always pretty cool.

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