Chapter Six

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-Ash's POV-

My fingers ran across the keys, trying to perfect the song I have been practicing every chance I get. So, of course since I have a free period, I am here yet again.

I know I can do it, so why am I struggling so much to get my fingers to cooperate? I even begged L to help me, but I guess today just isn't his day.

L doesn't want to go into singing, I know that. It's something he reminds me of everyday, but why waste a voice like that? I wish I could sing like that, but I guess we're not all blessed with such talent.

I sighed again as I made yet another mistake. Why is this so hard?

"Sounds good, Ash," I heard Lacey say from beside me.

I jumped in my seat, accidently hitting a few keys as I quickly turned to look at her.

"I-It's still a work in progress," I chuckled, rubbing at the back of my neck as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"You'll get there, you're the best pianist here, after all," she smiled, her dimples showing, and I tried not to stare.

"T-thanks, that really means a lot," I mumbled. Lacey smiled wider before she went back to her sheet music.

Idiot. I'm such an idiot, why can't I talk to her properly? I banged my head down on the piano, cursing myself, before I was interrupted once more.

"Hey, Ash. You're friends with that L guy, right?" A guy I don't know asked, I think I've seen him playing guitar once or twice, but I don't know his name.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I didn't mean to come across as so aggressive, but L has been through a lot, and people aren't exactly friendly when it comes to him.

"He's in the nurses office, heard he passed out or something," he said, uninterested.

I dropped my music sheets, standing up from the piano, and ran out of the room without sharing another word with the guy.

Dammit, L, I told you to go home if you aren't feeling well.

-Nate's POV-

It was pretty awkward as we all waited for the nurse to give her diagnoses, nobody said a word and I had to remain serious, which meant no flirting with Kaygen, which freaking sucked, but out of respect for my Alpha, I held my tongue and just waited in silence like everybody else.

That was until the door burst open and L's friend, Ash? Walked in. I'm pretty sure it's Ash. He looked worried as he scanned the room, before locking eyes with my mate. He seemed dissatisfied to see him there but more so, shocked.

"What happened?" Ash asked, and it was Damon that responded to him.

"Laken passed out on his way to class, I don't know why he insisted he was fine when he clearly isn't," Damon sighed, but I could tell he isn't angry at Laken, he is angry at himself for not doing something about it, for not being there when it happened.

It couldn't be helped of course, he is here now, that is all that mattered.

"Dammit, I told him to go home, he's so freaking stubborn sometimes," Ash sighed, then the room again, became silent.

The nurse came back a moment later, and when I say we all jumped to our feet; I mean the nurse literally jumped like we were about to attack her.

"He's okay," she rushed out, and the sighs of relief that filled the room could be heard from a mile away. "It's just a mild fever, he needs lots of water and lots of rest. I'll contact his parents."

"No!" Kaygen shouted suddenly, gaining the attention of the whole room.

"I'll sort it," he said, quieter this time.

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