Chapter Seventeen

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-Kaygen's POV-

Why the fuck did I do that? What was I even thinking? Truth be told, I don't think I was. I got too caught up in the moment, and for the first time in probably a year, I felt happy.

It was good to have someone to talk to, to let my guard down for a while. It felt nice to have somebody see the real me for once, I spent too long pretending to be someone else to make others happy.

It's draining, I'm tired and I just want to breathe for once, but that was hard to do in this house and Nate got to witness that first-hand.

He is the first person I've invited over to my house since Laken left, I was too ashamed to have anyone witness the mess I lived in, the constant arguments, my broken family.

But Nate literally saved my life, I still can't believe I nearly walked into traffic, all because I couldn't stop thinking about the stupidly happy, dumb blonde-headed boy.

What annoyed me more than having him follow me around all the time, was how much he managed to wiggle into my head.

Even when he's not here, he's here in my head, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out why, and that bothered me.

Apparently, it bothered me enough to walk into oncoming traffic. He wouldn't drop it though, insisting on knowing what was going on in my head.

It wasn't his business, except it is. I nearly told him it was hit fault, if I hadn't been cut off, he never would have let that drop.

Not that it mattered now, why the fuck did I have to go and kiss him? And to make things worse, I kicked him out right after.

How much of a dick can I be? Well, if he didn't hate me before, he sure will now. Nice going, Kaygen. You pushed away the only person that seemed to give a shit about you, such a fucking coward.

How many more lives am I going to ruin?

-Laken's POV-

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck. Argh. It's Saturday 4:30 to be exact, I have 30 minutes until my date with Damon and I'm freaking the fuck out.

Why? Because I'm a fucking idiot, instead of making sure I was ready so I could chill out before he got here, I ended up binging a new anime series that's just come out, I didn't know it was going to be that good.

How was I supposed to know I wouldn't be able to stop watching once I started? Of course, I had to finish it.

If I didn't, I'd be thinking about it all night and that would only ruin my date. But now I'm late, so either way I was fucked.

Okay, calm down. Gotta take a shower, get clean, then get dressed, you can do this.

I jumped straight into the shower, wanting to be as quick as I possibly could, only to jump back with an ungodly scream as freezing cold water lavished down on my poor body.

"Fuck me," I hissed, now standing outside the shower, cold, naked, and abused. I sighed out, deciding to wait for the water to heat up before trying again.

Luckily, that didn't take long, but I was still hesitant when I stepped back up to the shower head, cautiously.

Now that the water was warm, I could relax, but not too relaxed or I'll let time slip away from me again.

Wash your body and hair, quickly blow dry hair, dress up all sexy like, aftershave and the likes, and make sure I look fucking bangable, in just under 30 minutes, I can totally do this.

-Damon's POV-

I'm late. My first ever date with Laken and I'm late. Those damn rogues will pay for this I swear, I was half contemplating sprinting to Laken's house in my wolf form, but it would put a stunt on all of my plans if I showed up stark naked.

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