Chapter Twenty-Six

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-Laken's POV-

My mind was blown, just when you start to think you know everything you need to about this world, another surprise jumps out at you. Only usually I'm used to it being a bad surprise but this time I wasn't so sure.

Damon is a freaking werewolf, not just a werewolf but an Alpha, he had his own pack and Nate is his Beta. Damon tried to fill me in as much as he could but there was just so much to know, so much to learn.

And I am his mate, I was stunned into silence for the first time is an exceptionally long time. I couldn't tell anyone though, of course, not that I had anyone to tell other than Ash, but I doubt he'd believe me even if I did tell him.

Which I'm not going to because that would be a real dick move, Damon put his trust in me and I'm not planning on betraying him.

After Damon got back with Nate from his pack emergency, that he never did explain, I didn't push it though, after all it was none of my business, he showed me around the pack house and even introduced me to some of his pack members.

They were all super friendly and welcomed me as one of their own, maybe it was cocky to think I'd found my people, especially considering they all had something I didn't, but I felt more at home here than I ever did anywhere else.

I ended up staying the night and Damon was really sweet, he made me dinner and held me close to him while I slept, we didn't do any more sexy stuff, mostly because I wasn't ready.

I may be a horny teenage boy, but I was still scared, even if I did trust Damon, I couldn't help but let my nerves get to me, but he was completely cool with it, saying we could wait.

God knows what I did to get so lucky, but Damon was absolutely perfect in every way, and yes, I'm gushing but who cares, I was falling hard, and it scared the shit out of me.

"I should probably go home today; I still have a shit load of homework to do, and I still need to call Ash to see how his date went," I sighed, as we sat outside, watching some pack member's train.

"Spoil me with your presence, then just up and leave, how selfish," he teased, nudging his knee against mine.

I laughed, leaning my head on his shoulder, and wrapping my arms around myself as the wind considerably cooled my body.

"Believe me if I could stay here forever, I would."

"Then why don't you?"

I turned to look at Damon to see if he was serious, his expression telling me he was. I can't stay here, can I? No, at least not until I graduate, I want to get more comfortable with everything first, this is all still so new to me.

"Then where would we get our alone time?" I smirked, the pack house was nice and all and there was no way I could ever feel lonely here, but it got extremely packed very quickly, another thing I would have to get used to.

"Damn, you got me there," he smirked, his hand took mine and intertwined our fingers together.

"Walk with me?" He asked and I nodded, letting him pull me up from my seat in front of the house.

We walked for a while in silence, enjoying each other's presence as our hands remained interlocked, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. It all felt so natural, yet it was the weirdest thing to ever happen to me.

"I don't expect us to rush into things and we can go as slow as you need, I want you to understand that you're my mate, Laken, which means I will wait forever for you. And I will answer any question you want to know, but I have a question for you, and it's completely okay if you want to wait."

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