Chapter Nineteen

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-Laken's POV-

Holy fucking shit.

Those were the only words I could think of as I stared back into bright red, glowing eyes. I was joking when I said about the werewolf thing but now, I'm not so sure.

Are werewolves even real? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised, I'd always loved things like that, it got me called a dork on multiple occasions, but if that's true, what does one want with me?

No, this is Damon I'm talking about, not some stranger, we have become close over the past month, he has become somebody important to me, and I was really falling for him.

I can't let my mind be swayed when I don't even know anything yet, but honestly, to date a big bad werewolf would be fucking cool, but then what interest could he possibly have in me?

"Fuck...," he cussed, forcing his eyes shut, but I didn't want him to hide from me. It was kind of my fault, but hey, if you're gonna flirt with me, I'm gonna flirt back.

I placed my hand on the side of his face, so it was resting against his cheek, his skin is so warm, it was almost unexpected.

"It's okay," I whispered, I was so damn curious that my mind was ticking away, it resulted in my usual humour to be pushed back.

Damon's eyes slowly opened and again I was staring into his deep red eyes, wow, they were beautiful.

I was mesmerized by them, they almost didn't look real, they shone with power and dominance, yet he looked scared.

"You don't want to scare me off," I thought aloud his earlier words, is this what he was talking about?

But I'm not scared, I'm fascinated more than anything, maybe I watch too many shows, but isn't this everyone's dream?

I had so many questions, but I couldn't speak, all I could do was stare at him in pure amazement. He isn't playing a trick on me, is he? I still had a lot of work to do on my trust issues, cause the fear in his eyes was very real, yet I still doubted myself.

"Show me," I blurted out, not entirely sure I had thought this through properly, but for some reason when it comes to Damon, I'm either suicidal or super trusting, and I'm still not sure which one.

"Not here," he said looking around, day was quickly becoming night, and the beach was now empty, but I suppose if any passer byers were to see...yeah, that could go terribly wrong.

"Where?" I asked, knowing it would have to be some place secluded, the thought should have scared me but like I said, suicidal or too trusting.

"I'll show you." He grabbed my hand and went to stand up.

"Wait!" I stopped him, staring ahead of me in amazement.

"Wow...," he whispered, sitting back down beside me, and intertwining his fingers with mine, I let him.

The sun was going down, the sky a mix of red, orange, and yellow colours, that swirled together to create its own natural masterpiece. The sun was slowly disappearing beyond the horizon, hidden behind the sea, like it was falling into it.

It reflected well on the water, leaving the image of two suns moving simultaneously, casting its final light upon the world before it let the moon take its turn, with a promise of returning in the morning.

I shivered from the cool wind that wracked my body, the temperature had already dropped considerably, but I hadn't paid much attention until now.

Damon noticed, his arm falling around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him, I took the advance and leant into him, feeling the warmth of his body comfort my own.

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