Chapter Twenty-Two

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-Kaygen's POV-

It took me about ten minutes before I finally found my way out of the woods, nothing else followed me after that, but I did hear the vague sound of a howl in the distance, it was a howl of pain.

I didn't pay much attention, too busy trying to get out of there, and when I finally saw the road on the other side of the trees, I breathed out in relief.

Trust me when I say I won't be doing that again anytime soon, as soon as I was on the road back to safety, I remembered I had my phone on me, not that I would have had signal in the woods anyway, but the flashlight could have come in handy.

I pulled my phone out, I had no notifications, I didn't care, the only thing that bothered me was the fact that I didn't have Nate's phone number.

I blame the alcohol for my next decision, I walked thirty minutes to where I knew Nate lived, he invited me over once and I refused, but he gave me his address in case I changed my mind, I wonder what would have happened if I did go over.

Hell, when he came over to my house, that was the first time we'd ever been alone, away from the vision of the outside world, and we kissed.

My first time alone with him and I kissed him. Am I really about to risk that again? I don't care, I'm half drunk, covered in dirt and nearly died, again.

I was seconds away from being a wolf's dinner, there's only one thing I want right now, and only one person who can deny me that.

My legs were about ready to give out by the time I reached his house, it's midnight and I didn't know if his parents would be asleep, either way, they probably wouldn't appreciate me showing up at this time.

But I need this, just for tonight.

I knocked on the door, half expecting to not get an answer, but I was surprised when a young girl opened the door, and gawked at me in surprise.

"Kaygen?" She asked, she had to have been no older than 6-years-old, do I know her? Shouldn't she be in bed at this time, and why the hell is she opening the door so late at night?

"Lucy! What did I tell you about opening that door? Finish your milk then back to bed please." A woman's voice came from behind the door, before she appeared in front of me, shooing the girl off.

Her eyes landed on me and I heard her gasp, yeah, I probably look like shit, and just like the little girl, she looked at me like she knew me, but I don't remember ever meeting them before.

Could it be Nate had told them about me?

"Oh my goodness, come in honey! Are you okay?" She stepped back to let me enter and I did, I instantly felt uncomfortable as my eyes searched for Nate.

I couldn't speak, my lips wouldn't move, all I could do was stare at her as tears gathered in my eyes, and I saw her smile sadly.

"Nate!" She called out, lifting Lucy into her arms who was drinking something from a bottle. She is adorable, does Nate have a sister?

I heard running down the stairs and turned around to see the only person I wanted to, but I still couldn't speak. I didn't have to though, cause our eyes locked and he read me like a book, just like he always did.

Nate strode towards me, closing the gap between us, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me flush up against his body. He was hugging me, and once I was safe in his embrace, I felt the tears finally fall.

I hid my face in his chest, not wanting anyone else to see me cry, then I felt us moving, he guided me up some stairs and into a room where I heard the door close.

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