Chapter Thirty-Six

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-Kaygen's POV-

I don't know how long I've been here or what time it is, but in the mists of last night I found myself tucked against Nate's injured body as we slept, when I woke up it was still night and Nate was still asleep, he looked peaceful, not so much in pain while he slept.

Although he brushed off most of the pain when he was awake, a part of me knew it was because he didn't want me seeing him in pain, that bothered me because I knew he was hurting anyway.

It wasn't too bad anymore; the pain was fading, and I have no idea how I knew because his face never changed.

Maybe it was stupid to believe in soulmates or believe that in some way I was feeling Nate's numbing pain deep in my bones, it didn't hurt me physically, it was more of a sixth sense that had me thinking maybe I was tired, or over emotional.

Damon didn't say a lot either, just told me Nate was okay and gave me some cream for his cuts and pills for his pain, other than that he just told me to stay by his side and let him sleep.

L didn't question it, neither did Nate, his mum and sister got back late and were worried until Damon talked to them and then they didn't question it either.

I couldn't help but feel like everyone knew something I didn't.

It was now the next day, I didn't go to school, I was too tired, too worried about Nate, I suppose the good thing about him being at home and not at the hospital was the fact that I could stay here with him.

I didn't think about the fact that the school would probably call my parents, there was only one thing on my mind.

I'd cleaned Nate's cuts last night and applied the cream, he slept through it all with a small smile on his face, I was extremely gentle with his deep cuts that were hard to look at.

The sun rose slowly as I yawned into the pillow, I was in and out of sleep a lot, not truly allowing myself to slip into a deep sleep in worry of something happening to Nate if I did, the worry was waking me up constantly.

And when morning finally came around, I debated making some breakfast for Nate who may not even wake up to eat it.

I should tend to his wounds, I thought, dragging myself from the warm covers and into the bathroom where I grabbed a warm wet cloth and some bandages, I didn't know a lot about first aid, but I was trying, and his mum mostly just left me to it.

She'd come by to check on me, ask how Nate was doing and offer food and drink but it was almost like she didn't want to get in my way, almost like I was more important to her son than she was, but that's just stupid, I'm a nobody that he seems to like for some reason, that's all it was.

Though even when deep in unconsciousness his hands still searched for me, pulling me closer against his body in a comforting manner, yet not once did he wake up.

I returned to the bed with a sigh, placing everything I needed down on the bedside table, before climbing back onto the bed.

Maybe I'll get more sleep today because the temptation to crawl back under the covers was overwhelming, my body was already craving Nate's warmth.

I was too tired to question myself anymore, and I'd only be arguing with myself anyway, it was just me here now, with a peacefully sleeping Nate.

My eyes glanced over to Nate's face, but I was surprised to see the claw marks on his cheek were gone. What the hell?

A frown took place on my face as I moved the blanket away to get a closer look, my fingers unconsciously tracing over the features of his face that no longer held the long deep cuts they once did.

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