Chapter Seven

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-Laken's POV-

So, Damon bought me ice cream, I insisted on paying myself since I was the one who dragged him here, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Which is why we're currently sitting on a bench outside the ice cream parlour, enjoying our delicious treats. It is super quiet here, as a light breeze passed through the area, it is relaxing, and honestly, I'm feeling better already.

My temperature doesn't feel like it's going down though, the heat of my body is almost overwhelming as I tried to shimmy my jacket off, while balancing my ice cream.

Damon seemed to notice what I was getting at and helped me take it off, his fingers brushing against my arm in the process. I couldn't supress the shiver that wracked my body as tingles travelled my skin.

"T-Thanks," I blushed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while he ate his ice cream, I had to force myself not to stare, because that wouldn't be creepy at all.

"The fresh air is helping, but I just feel so hot," I admitted, it's like my body is on fire.

"You feel cold," Damon said, his hand touching my arm as a small frown crossed his face.

I wanted to respond, but my mouth wouldn't cooperate, all I could do was stare at his hand on my arm.

Oh, dear lord. I hold no responsibility for what I do while sick, so please Damon don't hold it against me.

-Damon's POV-

Laken is experiencing cold sweats, that much is obvious, and I feel bad, I know me being near him won't help with that, but I am selfish, I want to look after my mate while he's vulnerable, is that so bad?

I also know I have to take him home, he still desperately needs rest, and lots of water will also be a good thing, but turns out I can't say no to him, which is why we were currently eating ice cream, instead of being at his house where he could sleep.

He stared at my hand that rested comfortably on his arm, I had to stop myself from stroking his bare skin as the tingles sparked between us, causing a friction that was impossible to ignore.

His face is flushed, yet his skin feels cold to touch, he is also very much out of it and didn't seem to notice how he leant into my touch. I have to get him home; I have to be strong enough to resist the temptation in front of me.

I will never take advantage of my mate while he is in such a vulnerable state, but tell that to my wolf.

"Come on, let's get you home," I finally said, breaking what hypnosis Laken had fallen into, he didn't blush like I expected him to, but just shook his head and finished off his ice cream.

I finished mine too, I got bubble gum like him, even though I'm not too big on it, if it is his favourite, I can learn to love it too.

Laken stood on shaky legs, so I helped him get to the car, and made sure his seatbelt was on properly, before climbing into the driver's seat.

He again rested his head against the window, and was silent as I drove us to his house. It wasn't until I pulled up into his driveway, that I realised he had fallen asleep.

It didn't take much effort to carry him out of the car but having him in my arms, I really didn't want to let him go. Luckily, his keys were in his pocket, so I managed to get the door open, pushing it closed with my butt, once we were inside.

Okay, so far so good, now I just have to find his bedroom. Laken was silently snoring in my arms, his heartbeat was calm, and he looked happy with his face pressed into my chest.

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