Chapter Twenty-Nine

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-Damon's POV-

I didn't like the idea of leaving Laken alone with his brother, but that was just it, he is his brother, and Nate's mate, he seemed to be opening up a bit lately so maybe he was there to talk and not to cause harm, I could only hope so anyway, but I trust Laken to be able to handle it and if he can't I'm only one phone call away.

The pack house was pretty empty with it being a Sunday afternoon and all, Nate was already here, I was still surprised he risked bringing Kaygen here, that was dangerous, and he should know that.

I found him in the living room, slouching on the couch in front of the tv, a drink in hand, as he watched some ghost adventurer show.

"Hey," I greeted, taking a seat next to him on the sofa as he lazily nodded in my direction.

"What did you and Kaygen talk about?"

"What do you mean?" He pried his attention away form the tv at hearing his mates name, his eyes immediately lighting up in curiosity.

"He's at Laken's house right now," I said, watching to see if his expression would change, he held a thoughtful look before he grinned.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"That depends on what he wants with him," I frowned.

"I just told him I'd be here no matter what happens, so he should go for it and do what he needs to do to be happy," he shrugged, not wanting to share too much of their private conversation, which I understood.

"I hope that means making up with Laken," I sighed, it would be good for him to have his brother back, I knew just how much he missed him and how it hurt every time they passed in the corridors at school.

"Me too," Nate nodded, his attention slowly drifting back to the television.

We watched the ghost hunter programme for god knows how long, Nate fully transfixed on the show while I scoffed at how ridiculous it was, it was so obviously fake which in turn made it quite amusing and I had nothing better to do anyway.

I don't know how much time had passed before I heard my phone ringing in my pocket. I checked the caller ID and smiled as I saw Nate roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey baby," I greeted lowly, but then I remembered the situation at hand and sat up straight in my seat. "Everything okay?" I asked, I told him to call me if he needed anything, I just hoped things hadn't gone sideways with Kaygen.

Nate's eyes passed to me a few times and I knew he was listening in, way to take advantage of your hearing, I know I do too but I'm the Alpha, I'm allowed to.

"H-hey, yeah everything's good." I could tell he was blushing from my pet name without even seeing him and I couldn't help but chuckle, relaxing from hearing his voice.

I could vaguely hear someone's voice in the background, but I couldn't make out what they were saying before Laken told them to shut up.

"I know it's a Sunday evening and we have school tomorrow but Kaygen and I were wondering if you and Nate want to come over to mine? Maybe we could play some video games and order pizza?" My sweet mate asked, and I couldn't think of anything I'd want more right now.

"Sounds good, baby. Let me just ask Nate." I love calling Laken that, and now he is my boyfriend I can call him my baby all the time and the thought only made me smile more.

"Ask me what?" Nate interrupted my thoughts as he leant closer to the phone in my hand.

"Laken and Kaygen want to know if we want to go over for games and pizza." I relayed the message to Nate, who instantly grinned.

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