Chapter Eighteen

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-Damon's POV-

I wanted to take Laken to the clearing in the forest, the same place Nate and I would go whenever we needed to clear our heads. The lake there is beautiful, and I knew Laken would love it, especially late at night when you could see the stars so clearly.

But for now, that would be too dangerous, my pack travelled those lands all the time, they were ours after all, I couldn't limit that off just for a date with Laken.

Even though, this is super important to me, I couldn't ask that of my pack. There's also the danger of rogues passing through, they were the reason I was late and even though the problem has been dealt with, now wasn't the time to risk it.

I need to keep Laken safe at all costs, I would never be able to forgive myself if he were hurt because of me. Anything that increased the risk of me having to shift would have to be off limits for the time being, so that will have to wait, I know eventually I will have to tell Laken the truth about me, but I still don't know how he will handle it.

I'd never be able to take his rejection, just the thought of it made my heart squeeze in my chest, it was depressing to think about, I really don't think I'll be able to cope.

I shook my head, pushing the depressing thoughts to the back of my mind, that would have to wait for another day. For today, I'm simply going to enjoy my date with Laken.

Since I couldn't take him to the original location I wanted to, I settled for the beach near town, my parents discovered it while out one day and my mother said it was the most beautiful sight she had seen in a long time.

Sometimes it's nice to step away from the woods and to a different scene, which is why when they found it, they spent the whole day there.

As soon as I heard my mother say how romantic it was, I knew I wanted to see it too, with Laken by my side the whole time.

And now I'm here, standing on the beach, watching the waves crash against the sand, with Laken by my side, the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face, it was all so worth it.

We were only about an hour away from town, yet Laken said he'd never been to a beach before, it honestly surprised me. I know Laken doesn't live with his parents anymore, but did they never take him to the beach as a kid? It's really not that far.

I wonder what his childhood was like, was he close to his parents or were they distant? Did they work all the time? There is so much I still want to know about him, but hopefully I will learn more today.

"Can we go in the water?" He asked, gazing out to the sea with a look of pure amazement. I don't think he'd even noticed the wicker basket in my hand, but his hand still held mine, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure, but it will be cold," I warned him, we have about an hour of sun left so the beach was practically empty except for the few stragglers that were starting to pack up.

The air was already becoming quite cool, so I knew the sea wouldn't be much better, it just wasn't really the right time of year for it.

"How cold we talking here? Like when you first get into the pool cold or like having an ice bath cold?"

"Have you ever had an ice bath?" Just the thought was enough to make me chuckle, I could imagine Laken squealing after putting one toe in, then just straight up refusing to do it.

"Nope," he said, popping the p. "And I don't plan too anytime soon." He shivered at the thought, still waiting for my answer.

"Probably somewhere between the two, why don't you go find out?" Laken seemed hesitant, but tiptoed over to the water anyway.

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