Chapter Eleven

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-Laken's POV-

I took a long drink of my coke before I returned to my story.

"About a week passed while I was sorting myself out a place to stay, and trying to get a grip of my mental stability, in that time I avoided school, my friends would message, and I just told them I was sick.

I knew if I avoided school any longer my grades would drop, and people would start to get suspicious, so I picked myself back up and forced myself to go to school.

I was still mentally fucked, but I thought maybe school would take my mind off things. I got through half of my day perfectly fine and then dinner came around, as I was walking to the cafeteria, I heard Kaygen call my name.

At the time, I felt betrayed, I didn't want to see him, so I panicked, turned directions, and ran into the locker room nearby. Of course, Kaygen had to follow me in, I tried to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm, screaming at me to listen to him for one minute, but I didn't want to hear anything he had to say.

He wouldn't let me leave so I finally turned to him with tears in my eyes and screamed at him, how could you? He had the nerve to look taken aback, but I wasn't buying it, I was just so hurt, it was so freaking painful, and looking at him only made it worse.

Will you listen to me? He said, but I wasn't having any of it. No, I shouted, you listen to me, you're my brother for fucks sake, does it really bother you that much that I'm gay? I screamed; do you even realise what you've done?

Laken! He shouted, trying to snap me out of the breakdown I was slowly slipping into, but I felt like I couldn't breathe, I needed to get out of there, so I ran.

And low and behold, the next day the whole freaking school knew," I groaned, rubbing at my face, and chugging my drink.

"Laken..." Damon rubbed calming circles on my hand with his thumb, as his mind seemed to tick away, I could almost see the cogs turning.

"Are you sure he told everyone?" He asked me.

"He was the only one that knew, I never told anyone else." How else would everyone find out?

"You said it yourself twice, once at your house and once again at school, maybe this is a long shot, and it still doesn't excuse the way he addresses you now, but have to ever thought about the possibility that you weren't alone?"

"Huh?!" What does he mean?

"Are you sure you and Kaygen were alone? There's no way somebody could have been listening in both times?" He asked.

"What are you getting at?" I was trying to understand, but my head is all jumbled up.

"You were absent from school from a week, if Kaygen was going to tell everyone, don't you think he would have done so while you were gone? Your parents found out mere hours after your conversation with Kaygen, and again at the school, it was the very next day after you said it. Maybe it's a lot shot, but maybe it wasn't him. There could have been someone in the locker room with you, and are you sure your house was empty when you got back from the mall?"

I don't know what to think, am I an idiot? Definitely, but could I be wrong? I mean, what Damon was saying made sense. But if that were true then how come Kaygen is such a dick to me now? He ignores me, not to mention he's one of the biggest homophobes I know.

"You're confusing me," I whined, sinking into the sofa.

"Sorry, I was just thinking out loud." His hand grabbed mine properly, it was comforting, and I really had to stop myself from intertwining my fingers with his, damn he's distracting.

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