Chapter Twelve

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-Damon's POV-

I could hear Laken's heartbeat the whole time, pounding hard inside his chest, luring me closer to where he lay. I didn't like that I couldn't see his face, is he really mad at me? His heartbeat suggested otherwise.

His breathing was lathered, heat pouring off him in waves and I was very aware of everything he did. It was driving me insane.

And when I finally snapped, wanting to see the look on his face, the tingles overwhelming my skin from where my fingers brushed against him arm. I pulled him toward me, pulling him onto his back beside me.

Now, whereas I'm not a very patient man, I would however wait forever for Laken, and I am willing to wait until he is ready, let us get closer and closer until the time felt right, but when he is looking at me like that...

His face was flushed, his eyes clenched closed, and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He was practically begging me to do something, and around my mate, I'm not that strong of a man.

Nothing else mattered in that moment, it was just me and my mate, on his bed, too close but not close enough.

With my mate looking so beautiful, so temping in front of me, how could I not kiss him? So, I gave into all temptation and finally placed my lips against his.

His body shivered feverishly before he started kissing me back, eagerly pushing his lips into mine and bringing us further from sanity. His lips were so soft and sweet, they were addicting.

Laken didn't try to resist me, he melted against me. I pushed myself up, gripping onto his hips firmly as I placed my legs either side of him, hovering over his heated body.

His arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer so my body was flushed up against his and holy shit, he felt amazing underneath me, his body reacted wonderfully.

Everything I gave him; he gave back ten times harder. He let me take control of the kiss, but I felt powerless under his spell.

I needed more of him, I wanted to taste him, to lose myself in my perfect mate. I nibbled at his lip that he abused earlier, feeling satisfied from my earlier jealousy.

Laken moaned against me but didn't open his mouth, so I let my tongue stray upon his lips, I was teasing myself, he tasted so fucking good.

Dammit, Laken, open your mouth. I was getting too eager, needing more, and lost in the moment with him, so I brought my hand down to his chest, grazing my fingers over his covered nipple and he gasped.

Finally. My tongue glided into his mouth, searching for relief and when my tongue hit his, I groaned. Our tongues danced together, colliding with one another as I tasted him.

My mate was so delicious, so addicting. My grip on his waist tightened, letting him pull me closer as I devoured him.

We kissed for what felt like years until I could hear his heartbeat slowing, I didn't want to pull away, but it would be really misfortunate is Laken passed out from lack of air, so after one last curve of my tongue, I pulled away.

My lips hovered an inch away from his, my eyes opening to watch him. Laken lay breathing heavily with his eyes still closed.

He was composing himself as he finally came down from his high, my wolf was happy, but I refused to let him through, forcing my eyes back to normal before Laken could open his eyes and see.

What a shock that would be, closing your eyes to blue eyes and opening them to red, although I suppose I could blame it on his lack of oxygen that he was so desperately trying to get back into his lungs.

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