Chapter Four

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-Laken's POV-

To say I'm tired is an understatement, I'm freaking exhausted, and to top it all off, I have detention. Can this day get any worse? Urgh, you know better than to say that, you're basically asking for things to get worse.

I want to go home, that was my only thought as I slunk into my seat at the back of the classroom, wanting as little attention as I could possibly get away with.

I'm not usually a troublemaker, in fact I prefer to keep my head down, to remain in the shadows but some days that's just not possible. Like today for example.

I am still angry, I'm not one to defend myself but don't mess with the people I care about. Ash was the only friend that stayed by my side after the rumours about me being gay got out. It caused a lot of backlash for Ash, which I constantly feel bad about.

But he just keeps reassuring me that it is okay, he can take it, but just because he can, doesn't mean he should, I wouldn't have blamed him if he left like everybody else.

Not that I can get away with telling him that, he says I should think more of myself, love myself more, but that's hard to do when nobody else does. My own twin brother can't even look at me, if that doesn't say something, I don't know what will.

That doesn't mean I don't try, but nobody annoys me more than myself. Like the fact that I can't get Damon's stupid face out of my head. I knew it was a bad idea inviting him over for dinner, but selfishly I enjoyed every moment, am I that desperate to be loved?

How sad, and now I sit here in detention for punching that jerk that dared to call Ash that godforsaken F word. I've come to hate that word, I despise it, a word that a year ago I would have thought nothing about.

Honestly, Laken, stop being a depressing bitch. I shook my head, finally glancing around the room, which held two other students and no teacher. Are we early or is the teacher late?

Just as the thought entered my mind the door opened and in walked my worst nightmare, followed closely behind by the teacher.

"Take a seat, Kaygen," he said, before he walked to his desk, glancing over a piece of paper that had been left there.

The teacher who I didn't know the name of, removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, he clearly didn't want to be here anymore than we did. He put his glasses back on and finally turned to the class, glancing over each student before his eyes fell onto me.

"I don't usually see you in here," he said and I gulped, looking down at the table.

"What's your name?" His voice was loud and threatening, kill me now.

"Laken, sir." I didn't want my presence to be known, especially with him in here, but he didn't even glance in my direction as his head fell onto the desk in front of him.

"Fighting," he simply said and I nodded, pretending I didn't hear him tut in disappointment.

"Well, fill in your detention sheets, then remain silent until I return, do not move from your seats," he demanded, before just walking out again. The fuck?

The detention sheet was pretty simple, nobody else seemed to even be interested as they ignored the paper in front of them. But I am still angry over what happened, so why not?

What did you do?

Punched a dickhead in the face.

Why did you do it?

Because he called my friend a faggot.

How could you avoid this in the future?

Don't get caught.

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