Chapter Forty-Three

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-Kaygen's POV-

"Yes. I love you." There was no point hiding it anymore, after tonight I will be claimed as his forever anyway.

That's if we make it that long, I had to stop him from revealing his secret to the nosey waitress earlier, that would have been really bad.

Not to mention how close he came to marking me right then, the worst part is it was damn near impossible to stop him, my body craved it and for a moment I felt my pull towards him as if it were an iron chain pulling closer, and I just wasn't strong enough to break it.

I had to though, being marked in a public restaurant with other people around wasn't my idea of romantic or hot. I just about managed to gain enough strength to push him away, but if he kept pushing, I couldn't be sure I would have been able to stop him again.

Nate grinned brightly, his eyes filling with joy and again I was the only one he was looking at, the way he looked at me, like I was his whole world, it made my heart pound.

"I love you so much," he said so softly, I nearly melted on the spot, I hated how he made me feel so weak and cheesy, but at the same time, I loved that he could actually do that to me, he gave me something I never thought I'd have, and I felt it with every part of my being.

We made small talk as we finished eating, with him trying to get me to taste his cow again, which I of course declined.

I didn't question how he could eat it like that, because that would just be a stupid question, he is a wolf after all, given the chance he probably would have eaten it raw.

The burger I had was delicious, even if extremely unhealthy but I think I deserved a treat after the week I've had.

Speaking of which, I was supposed to go back to my house after school and pick up my bags, but I guess that will have to wait now, I should probably tell Nate about that actually.

"I was gonna leave home today," I said after finishing off my food.

"That's great baby! I don't like you being there knowing you're miserable. Wait, was?" His smile quickly turned into a frown and when Nate thinks hard about something it shows on his face, which only made me laugh.

"I was gonna go back after school and grab my bags, but as you can see, the plans changed," I said, gesturing between the two of us.

"Oh. Sorry, baby. I can take you back to grab your stuff if you like, you can stay at mine or L's, I don't mind and that way you won't have to go in there alone if you don't want to."

I never thought about having Nate there with me when I left, but the more I thought about it, the more I was liking the idea, dad wouldn't touch me if Nate were there, would he? Not that Nate would let him, my dad may see him as just a teenage boy but we both knew he was more than that.

And maybe mum would spare me the tears, either way, having Nate there would be a lot safer.

"We'll go tomorrow," I simply said, not really planning on leaving Nate tonight.

"Sure thing, baby," he grinned, downing the last of his drink. "Better?" He asked.

"Much better, thanks." I feel like I keep thanking Nate, but he was doing a lot for me, he's done so much for me, a simple thank you would never suffice, but it was all I had to offer for now.

Nate paid for our meals and by the time we were outside again it was already late afternoon, school had ended by now, and some local teenagers were already hanging around the area.

"Time to go," I said, picking up my pace so I could avoid bumping into anyone from school.

Nate chuckled, jogging to catch up before we were in his car once again.

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