Chapter Forty-Eight

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-Damon's POV-

We finally made it through the movie, albeit with a lot of struggle and temptation. Laken enjoyed teasing me way too much, it provoked both of our limits, as I used every bit of strength I had not to just bite him then and there.

I knew he got off on it, a newfound guilty pleasure to push me to my limits, tear apart every form of defence I held, watching the strings break with excitement filled eyes.

It was going to be a pain to make it through until tonight, and it definitely crossed my mind one too many times, to say fuck it and just take him home now, into our own secure privacy in the woods.

Fuck the moon, fuck the setting, it couldn't wait any longer, but it was Laken's idea, and it was a good one, that I had to admit, it would be our first time after all, I want it to be perfect for him, but damn he made it very hard.

Don't ask me about anything that happened in the movie, because I have no fucking idea, it had aliens and robots in it, I think, that's all I can give you.

And when the movie finally dimmed and light filled the room once more, a sigh released from my lips, I made it.

Barely, but barely was better than not.

"So, what did you think of the movie?" Laken asked with his lips around the straw of a slush puppy he insisted on getting before we leave.

He guzzled the blue and red liquid down like he forgot brain freeze was a thing, but before I could answer, the straw left his mouth with a pop and his face contorted to one of pain, as he furrowed his eyebrows, squeezing his eyes shut.

I chuckled aloud, "I'm sure it was probably pretty good."

He forced away his frown, staring at the slush in somewhat betrayal.

"Alright, what about the first half?" He settled for with a laugh.

"I'm sure that was pretty good too."

My mate burst out laughing, forgetting all about the brain freeze and slurping down more of the icy, sugary drink.

"I didn't start until halfway through," he said, as if that made it any better.

"My love, your actions didn't cause my distraction, they only made it worse, just you being so close is distracting enough."

"Is it cause I'm sexy?" He smirked, biting down on the straw in the process.

"Yes." I couldn't stop smiling at how cute he looked, but I'll let his little sexy ass believe it's cause he's hot and not cute.

"Maybe next time we go to watch a movie together, it can be not so close to the full moon, or ya know, once we're fully mated."

I was starting to think he liked the idea of us being mated, which made my wolf very proud indeed. Our mate wanted us, and we wanted everyone to know that.

It was something to be proud of after all. Being rejected, especially by humans isn't as uncommon as you may think.

Too many wolves have suffered the heartbreak of being rejected and I did not envy them, not in the slightest.

And the more I thought about the events that would take place later tonight, the more excited I got, of course, we still had half a day to go yet, but just the thought alone provided enough serotonin to keep me going until then.

"That sounds like a good idea," I agreed, before we both climbed back into my car.

"So, where to now?" I asked, not really in a rush to be anywhere, we could take our time, and do as we wished, and it felt good.

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