Chapter Thirty-Five

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-Laken's POV-

My eyes watched the clock in anticipation as I waited for the hand to strike three and announce the end of school.

I have plans with Ash today which means I can't go straight home but at least most people will be gone by then, got to learn to look on the bright side.

Nate has been asleep since he got back with Damon yesterday afternoon, and as far as I'm aware he's still not awake.

Damon couldn't explain anything to Kaygen, and I felt so bad seeing him like that, I've never seen him so broken over someone before, but when I think about the same thing happening to Damon, I feel physically sick.

All he could do was reassure Kaygen that Nate would be okay, that he just needed to rest, and that Nate would explain everything to him once he was ready.

Kaygen refused to leave him last night and Nate's mum and sister started freaking out once they got back but Damon explained everything to them, and they soon settled down.

I'm pretty sure Kaygen is the only one that didn't know, which only made me feel worse, he deserves to know more than anyone, but with the state Kaygen was in, who knows how he'd react if we told him Nate's a werewolf.

Even the thought was crazy to me, I'm still adjusting to it myself, and knowing my brother, he would probably think we were mocking him.

Turns out Nate didn't sleep the night before so barely had the energy to fight, let alone heal, his body was too weak to do it, but the damage looked a lot worse than it actually was.

Damon explained that being close to his mate will help him heal, as well as lots of rest, he basically said that with Kaygen by his side he will be fully healed by the time he wakes up, I wonder how he's going to explain that one to Kaygen.

Maybe he'd just tell him the truth, I hope he will take it well, although it will probably help if he knows that I know too, or maybe not, who knows what goes through that idiots' mind anymore.

Damon asked about what happened to Kaygen's cheek, but I didn't know if he would want others knowing, instead of coming up with some excuse, I told Damon that, and he immediately understood.

I want to spend the day with Damon, but I can't hold off Ash for any longer, I don't want to become a shitty friend just because I've got a boyfriend now, but you can't really blame me for wanting to spend time with him.

The bell finally rang, breaking me out of my thoughts as I jumped up from my seat, grabbing my bag and making a runner for the door, along with the rest of the class.

Before heading to the performance room, I made a quick stop by the lockers, tossing the books I didn't need into my locker before I waited for Damon.

Luckily, he didn't take long, and a smile appeared on his face once he saw me, he stalked towards me in slow steps and I gulped, dammit, don't tease me when we're at school.

I want him so badly, and the fear was quickly being replaced with irritation, but most importantly, I want to know more about the marking he was telling me about.

All I know is that once I was ready Damon would mark me and it would bring us closer, it would also let all the other wolves know that I belonged to him, it was weird as shit but also lowkey exciting.

Damn, I hope Nate tells Kaygen soon, I need someone to talk to about these kinds of things and unfortunately, I can't tell Ash.

Damon's hands fell around my waist, pulling me closer, a smirk on his face as he placed a tender kiss on my lips. I still can't believe this man is my boyfriend, not only that but a freaking werewolf, it almost feels like I'm dreaming.

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