Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content*

-Damon's POV-

"I told you about the effects the full moon has on us, right?" I asked, not really sure if I had mentioned it at all.

I'd told him a lot about our kind but with all the distractions lately, I could barely remember what I had told him and what I hadn't. Something I was also going to tell him before, but the surprise introduction with Ash threw me off guard.

We didn't get off to the best start back in the school's infirmary, but that was because we were both very protective of Laken, I didn't blame him but of course my wolf didn't like it anyway, but that is something he'll just have to deal with, it's a good thing Laken has others to protect him.

Our second meeting went smoothly though, we talked a bit and Laken told me some old stories about the two, some even included Kaygen.

They were once close, but Ash was the only person that stuck by Laken's side after he was forced out of the closet, he gained a lot of respect from me for that, so whether my jealous wolf felt like interrupting or not, I knew we could become friends.

"No, what effects? Do you wolf out or something?" Laken asked through a mouthful of Cheetos, his now wide eyes on me as he tried to swallow.

I laughed, thinking about all the shows he must have watched to get that idea, despite the common misconception our kind were peaceful, we just had a few ground rules, don't attack our people, and stay off our territory.

Simple really, I mean I'm sure humans wouldn't like it if someone entered their home without their permission, the intruder would instantly be seen as a threat, no matter how you look at it.

"Not exactly, are you sure I haven't told you?" That's bad on my part, I definitely should have warned Laken, especially since we only have two days left until the moon comes to the end of its cycle.

"No, should I be worried?" He seemed concerned then, a frown taking place on his face.

"Maybe, maybe not, it depends," I shrugged, if he didn't want to be marked anytime soon it could be a problem, but we can always keep our distance until it's over if he wanted to, it would be painful, but I'd do it.

"Well, don't keep me in suspense, tell me." I couldn't help but chuckle at how worried he looked, and when his frown deepened, I took his hand in mine.

"The full moon is on Friday and it's the power from the moon that gives our wolves strength, the bigger the moon is, the more power our wolves have. We keep them under control at all times but the more power they gain, the harder it is to do that."

"So, you are going to wolf out?"

"Not as such," I laughed. "It's more of a...hormonal stage," I said slowly, trying to find the right words to explain it.

"Are you saying the moon makes you horny?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Laken!" I laughed again, struggling to get my words out.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll shut up, continue," he waved me on, and once my laughter had subsided, I continued.

"Our wolves can be pulled out from strong emotions such as fear, anger or lust, which is why when things get steamy between us my red eyes come out, but I can push him back, retake control in mere seconds. The closer to the full moon we get, the harder that will be until it becomes damn near impossible, which will be on the night of the full moon.

We can feel its presence constantly when it's so close, but I've experiencing this for years so it's something I have control over, it doesn't really worry or bother me at all, but this time it's different.

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