Chapter One

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"Ha, get wrecked, loser."

Wooyoung turned towards his best friend with a smirk, the colors of the television from the winning screen of the game they were just playing dancing on the side of his face in the dark. Wooyoung stuck his pink tongue out playfully, moving his right hand up to his forehead in the shape of an "L".

Wooyoung's best friend pouted, hitting him with a playful hand on the head. "Shut it. You only got lucky."

Wooyoung shook his head, his blonde hair brushing his forehead. "Yeah, Yeosang, as if I got lucky for the past twenty rounds. You're just so bad-"

Yeosang put a silencing hand up, voice coming out a bit defensively. "No, I'm not."

Wooyoung impulsively gave Yeosang's raised hand a high five. "Yes, you are."

Yeosang stared at his still raised hand, eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Wooyoung's action. "Uh... no... I'll prove it to you. I demand a rematch!"

Wooyoung picked his controller back up, shaking it in his hands. "That's what you said the last twenty times. Just accept the fact that you can't beat-"

Yeosang flicked Wooyoung on the side of his head, making the younger emit a short "ow". "I'll beat you this time."

Wooyoung slowly rubbed the side of his head with his palm, playfully glaring at Yeosang. "Doubt it. Bring it on."

Yeosang picked up his controller as Wooyoung started another round, the two boys immediately turning their attention to the LEDs of the screen in front of them. The blonde bit his plump lip as he concentrated, expertly pressing the buttons on his controller. Sound effects from their game rang around the room, the noises all stacking up to start to equate to the finished result of the round.

Yeosang lost once again.

Once the winning screen appeared on the television once again, the blonde turned his head to look at his best friend, his pearly white teeth showing slightly in a smirk. "See, I told y-"

Yeosang groaned, falling to the soft carpet. "This isn't fair at all. You... y-you cheated! I... fine. I guess I am trash at this game."

Wooyoung chuckled joining his friend on the floor. "You aren't actually too horrible, man. I was joking the whole time. Just very slightly bad-"

The blonde's words got cut off by a playful, yet aggressive, slap. "And I thought you'd be nice for once."

Wooyoung chuckled again, his light laughs filling the air. "I'm always nice. What are you talking about?"

Yeosang shook his head, a small smirk on his face. "Lies."


Yeosang gave Wooyoung another little playful slap, the two boys bursting into laughter right after.

After their laughter died down, the two best friends silently continued to lay down on the floor when suddenly Yeosang spoke up quietly. "Did you realize that it's dark out?"

Wooyoung looked up, looking out of the window and indeed seeing the sky painted an inky black. "Oh damn, it is. I didn't realize we've been playing for so long."

Yeosang sat up, pulling out his phone. Yeosang stared at the little piece of technology before his brown eyes visibly widened. "Shit."

Wooyoung looked over at his best friend, eyebrow raised. "What?"

"I need to get home so I could go to sleep at a reasonable time. We're starting high school tomorrow, remember?"

The blonde sighed, sitting up also. "Right. Damn, time went by so quickly. I can't believe summer break is basically over."

Yeosang stood up, pocketing his sleek phone. "I know. It went by so fast."

Wooyoung huffed before getting up, trailing after Yeosang who was making his way to the front door.

Yeosang slipped his shoes on, opening the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Woo. Don't die!"

Wooyoung chuckled. "Thanks, Yeo. You too."

Yeosang slipped out of the door and into the dark night.

Wooyoung watched as his friend made his way down the street. It was quite convenient that his best friend lived just down the street.

Wooyoung was about to shut the door when suddenly a deep voice rang out through the humid air.

"Hey! Jibae! Get back here, oh my god!"

Barks pierced the air loudly like booming drums.

Wooyoung stepped out of his house, watching as a small dog began to run through the street and in between two of the houses.

"Jibae! Oh my god, goddamn it."

The blonde turned, spotting his familiar redhead neighbor standing on his driveway. "Mingi?"

Mingi turned towards Wooyoung, letting out a small huff. "Hey, Woo... Jibae ran away again. That little shit of a dog, I swear to god... Can you go retrieve him?"

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Why can't you?"

Mingi shifted his weight, crossing his long arms. "I'm wearing slippers."

Wooyoung blinked. "Of course you are... fine, I'll go look for your dog."

"Thank you so much. I owe you one, man."

The blonde nodded, shutting his front door before beginning to walk out into the humid air.

"Sure thing."

A/N imagine the members with hair colors during Wonderland era :)


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