Chapter Five

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This couldn't be real.


Wooyoung was panicking and that was the biggest goddamn understatement of the twenty-first century.

He was literally dead and was rebirthed into a literal monster. Who wouldn't be?

The blonde was currently wandering around the forest, the trees being encased in a heavenly, calm glow that completely contrasted his current feelings. The area around Wooyoung was really peaceful. White noise and the tweets of avians were the current playing soundtrack, its sounds surrounding the area like the ocean.

But he couldn't take time to admire it at all.

He needed to go home.

Today was also his first day of high school, and Wooyoung wasn't sure whether or not he was tardy.

But by his judgment of the sun placement, it seemed like he had about an hour before school started.

The blonde continued to pad through the forest when suddenly his eye caught some sort of piece of black on top of a pile of leaves.

It was his phone.

Letting out a small noise that was a mix of relief and excitement, Wooyoung ran up to it and picked it up. The blonde pressed the home button with his thumb, the LEDs lighting up the screen.

He had about forty-five more minutes until he had to get to school.

Wooyoung over-exaggeratedly raised his hands in the air. "Thank the motherfucking lord!"

He could probably make it.

Wooyoung put in his password and immediately tapped on the Google Maps app, putting in his home address.

He wasn't that far.

After getting a general idea of which direction he needed to go, the blonde returned back to his home screen, finger hovering over his camera app.

Should he see what he looked like?

Did he even look any different?

Curiosity getting better of him, Wooyoung tapped on the application, his fingertip smudging the screen.

As soon as it opened up, the blonde froze.

He certainly didn't look the same.

The blonde's jaw looked a lot more chiseled now, the angle of his jawline looked like it could probably cut through metal. Wooyoung's skin was noticeably paler, his previously slightly melanin-stained skin from the sun was now a pasty white. His blonde hair looked a bit thicker, the strands falling into perfect place without tousling.

Noticing that his face looked more fit, the blonde turned his attention to the rest of his body. Wooyoung rolled up his short sleeves, noticing that his arms were now noticeably more larger and muscular. His shoulders seemed broader, the muscles on his forearms trailing down like thick strings. Wooyoung then slowly rolled up the fabric of his shirt.

He had fucking abs now.

Wooyoung's eyes widened.

Damn, guess he could cancel his gym membership.

Turning his attention back to his face, the blonde slowly opened his mouth as he stared at the screen, the fangs he felt earlier being put on full display. Although foreign, they didn't necessarily look out of place.

Even though the glow-up was unexpected, it certainly wasn't unwelcome.

The panic from earlier that Wooyoung pushed to the back of his mind dropped just a little. Getting converted to a creature had some benefits.

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