Chapter Forty-Two

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"We're here. Get ready to transfer some frozen vampire."


Wooyoung was almost okay. He was almost on his way to finally accepting himself, but there was one thing still eating up his conscience.

Jibae's death.

Mingi still didn't know what happened. As far as he knew, Jibae was just lost.

That's why the blonde was outside of his neighbor's house, there with the intention of telling Mingi the truth.

Er, part of the truth.

Wooyoung felt like he should be honest with the redhead (but not too honest to reveal that he himself isn't exactly alive anymore), and tell him the truth about Jibae because it just felt right. Mingi wasn't going to find Jibae, and the blonde felt he should at least say what kind of happened.

Mingi didn't deserve to wonder what happened to his dog for the rest of his life.

Wooyoung walked up to Mingi's door and hesitantly knocked.

After a few seconds, the door swung open to reveal his familiar redhead neighbor.

Mingi looked kind of like he just woke up, his red hair askewed in different directions, somehow complimenting the messy look of his white shirt, plaid pajama pants, and fluffy slippers.

The blonde lowkey forgot how early it was in the morning because, well, he doesn't sleep. If he knocked any earlier, Mingi might have been sleeping.

Mingi scratched his neck. "Uh, hello? Wooyoung? Do you need something?"

Wooyoung froze. What was he supposed to say now? "Um... I just wanted to... talk to you about... Jibae."

Mingi's eyebrows raised slightly. "Really now?"

The blonde diverted his gaze. "Er... yeah... um... I don't think he's... l-lost."

The redhead let out a sigh. "Oh, that he's dead? Yeah, uh, I've kind of accepted that he's not coming back because it's been far too long and... though he runs off a lot, he comes back most of the time. It's been weeks and... I don't think he's coming back. I've been mourning for the past few weeks just because deep down I know that he's not coming back."


Wooyoung didn't think that Mingi would react or even say something like that, though it did make his job slightly easier.

The blonde bit his lip nervously. "Well... uh... I just came to say that I actually saw what happened to him, but I didn't want to tell you because I know that you... would be sad."

Mingi's eyes widened. "You know what happened to him?"

"Well yeah, he... I... I saw a large animal e-eat him."

That technically wasn't a lie.

Mingi was silent.

Wooyoung panicked. "I didn't want to tell you because I knew that you'd be sad and stuff, but I just felt like you should know, so I'm... telling you now. I'm sorry. I'm s-so so sorry about Jibae, I know how much he meant to you-"

The redhead interrupted. "It's okay, Wooyoung... thank you for telling me... I miss him a lot, but... I guess it's slightly better since I now know what happened. Thank you."

"O-of course. See you."

Mingi nodded, giving Wooyoung a strained smile. "You too."

The door shut.

Wooyoung slowly walked away back to his own house.

Though telling Mingi was hard, at least making Mingi aware of what essentially happened made the blonde slightly less guilty. Even though he himself was the one that killed the dog, he knew that those actions weren't intentional and were motivated by something that wasn't his own conscience allowed the process to be easier.

A/N one chapter left!!


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