Chapter Thirty

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He looked like a monster.


Wooyoung buried Jibae's corpse far away from the neighborhood, a place far from where Mingi would realize the monstrous action he just did.

If Mingi found out what he did, the blonde would probably never be able to face him again.

Though, at this moment, Wooyoung probably couldn't anyways because of the amount of guilt he was feeling.

The blonde knew how much Jibae meant to his redhead neighbor, he was literally there when Mingi first adopted the small dog. Mingi always said that he was quite lonely all the time, so he decided to adopt a dog so that he wouldn't be living alone anymore.

The redhead loved Jibae so much, and Wooyoung knew that so much.

Mingi was going to be heartbroken when he finds out.

Wooyoung took a shower in order to make himself look less like a murder scene, and was currently staring at Mingi's house as the sun rose. 

He was honestly scared.

The blonde knew that Mingi checked for Jibae every morning out of habit, so it was only an inevitable time until the redhead was going to look for his dog. He had probably an hour or so until Mingi woke up and Wooyoung really just didn't want to see Mingi's reaction.


Eventually, Mingi did wake up, and Wooyoung knew because he saw the redhead moving about his house through the window.

Mingi seemed to be looking for something, and Wooyoung knew exactly what he was looking for.


Wooyoung watched intently as he saw Mingi exit his house, dressed in only his robe and slippers. The redhead looked around, his eyebrows furrowed as his facial expression seemed to visibly get more and more panicked.

Then Mingi began to walk towards the blonde's house, going out of the view of the window.

Wooyoung fidgeted nervously. Please don't say that Mingi was going to knock on his door and ask about Jibae. Please don't say that Mingi was going to knock on his door and ask about Jibae. Please don't say that Mingi was going to kno-

Knock knock knock

Wooyoung's eyes widened as he diverted his gaze to his front door, the closed entranceway seeming to taunt him.

The blonde slowly stood up, walking towards the door, but slowing slightly as he got closer and closer.

Wooyoung gulped, opening the door with a shaky hand. He put on a facade as soon as the door swung open, plastering a smile on his face. "Hello?"

Mingi shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Hey, Wooyoung, uh... have you seen Jibae around? I can't find him anywhere and I'm scared. Do you think he ran away again?"

The blonde looked down to the floor as a lie came out of his fanged mouth. "I actually really... er... d-don't know, maybe. I'll... k-keep an eye out for him. I hope you f-find h-him."

"Ah okay, thank you Wooyoung, I can always trust you. I really hope he's okay, I don't know what I'd do if he's gone. He meant so much to me."

And just like that, even more guilt crashed onto Wooyoung's broken conscience.

The blonde felt his legs go a bit shaky as he let out a short nod, trying to keep up his facade. "I h-hope so t-too."

Mingi gave Wooyoung a small smile. "Alright, thank you, Wooyoung. I'll go keep searching. Have a good day!"

The blonde tried to return the smile, but it probably looked more like a wince. "Y-you too."

Wooyoung shut the door as the redhead neighbor returned to his own house.

As soon as the door shut, the blonde slid down to the ground, feeling tears start to form in his eyes.

His guilt was eating him up from the inside, like a hungry monster with an ever-growing unquenchable appetite.

Where did that sound so familiar?

A/N i feel so bad for mingi why did i write this like that :(


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