Chapter Ten

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"Alright, cool. Follow us."


Wooyoung felt a bit bad that he was leaving his friends during lunch period as he trailed behind the two strangers out of his school, but he could make the excuse that since it's the first day of school he couldn't find them.

"What's your name?"

The blonde snapped his head up out of his thoughts, looking forward to see the two strangers looking straight at them.

Wooyoung stuttered, his voice coming out unsure as he was a bit uneasy even though the two strangers seemed to be very welcoming. "Uh, W-Wooyoung(?)"

The shorter, blue-haired stranger smiled. "I like your name! My name's Hongjoong and this idiot next to me is Seonghwa-"

Seonghwa gasped, looking at the shorter man right next to him. "Idiot? I'm offended."

"I was just kidding!"

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Are you two always like this?"

Hongjoong shrugged. "Kinda."

"oh... So where are we going exactly?"

"No idea. Probably somewhere quiet."


The trio eventually found a table in a nearby park, and thankfully since it was the middle of the day on a weekday, there was barely anybody there.

Wooyoung rested his head on his hands. "So..."

Hongjoong chuckled awkwardly. "Uh... so I don't know exactly how to start this... is there anything you want to know?"

The blonde gave the blue-haired male a look. "Um... yeah. Can we start with what the fuck? I didn't even know vampires existed twenty-four hours ago. Have they existed all this time?"

Seonghwa nodded. "Pretty much. Vampires have existed pretty much ever since the myths started."

"That old? Are you two that old too?"

"I'm only six-hundred and forty-three years old, so not that old. Hongjoong is slightly younger than me."

Hongjoong gave a small smirk. "I just turned five-hundred and twelve."

Wooyoung scoffed. "Okay what? You guys are like cavemen."

"And we still look pretty much the same as when we died."

The blonde brought a pale hand up to his face. "So I'm going to look like a teenager for the rest of my life?"

"Uh... pretty much, but-"

"Damn, okay. I kind of wanted to finish puberty, but that's fine."

Seonghwa chuckled musically. "Joongie might be able to age you."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "But I thought you said..."

Hongjoong fiddled with his fingers, but it didn't seem like it was a habit out of nervousness. "I have the power of, well in normal words, I can manipulate, change, and repair the cell structure of beings, living or dead. And that includes vampires. My power is used mostly for healing, but I can also change people's physical body, and that includes the illusion of aging."

Intrigued, Wooyoung subconsciously let out a small "whoa".

The shorter male let out a small chuckle. "It's not that cool. Hwa's power is much cooler."

The blonde shifted his eyes to the mentioned. "What's your power?"

"I can feel and sense everyone's emotions and feelings, and I can manipulate or suppress them."

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