Chapter Eight

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Wooyoung needed guidance. This isn't something he could handle on his own.


Eventually, Wooyoung did return back to class, his thirst being no different than before. His friends gave him some pretty strange looks when he came back in and sat down and a couple of his classmates eyed him curiously, but most of the strangers didn't really care.

Wooyoung just tried to ignore the thirst as much as he could, but it was so annoying. It was like an itch, it'll stay unless you actually do something about it.

By the time third period rolled around, he's taken a grand total of five trips to get water to attempt to relieve his thirst.

And now he was on his sixth.

Wooyoung walked into the empty hallway once again, making a beeline straight to the water fountain.

The blonde didn't know whether or not this was going to be something that was going to become regular routine for him, because if it were, it would really affect his physical and academic life. He was well aware that water just wasn't going to cut it, but still drinking water, although extremely short, gave small relief for his pain.

In all of his trips, he only somehow froze over the water only once.

Wooyoung knew that that came with his change into a living bloodthirsty corpse, but he found it strange that it only happened once even though he's been in the same exact situation multiple times now. He didn't know if it was triggered by something, or if he did something to cause it to happen, but one thing was clear:

He didn't know.

The blonde didn't know anything and was so lost. He really just needed somebody, anybody to just at least help him or show him what he should do. The idea of becoming a vampire, sure, did pique Wooyoung's interest at the beginning, but now it just felt like a huge burden and hindrance.

His life was so different now, and he didn't want this.

Wooyoung was here, once again, standing next to the water fountain and drinking. Just drinking, nothing else.

After what Wooyoung deemed to be enough time drinking, the blonde stood and let out a sigh.

Why did his life have to come to this?

Although it's been only a couple of hours, Wooyoung was already so tired of everything. He was so stressed out, not only by the experiences that he's already been through, but the anticipated ones. He couldn't imagine spending the whole rest of his life like this.

That is, if there is a rest of his life.

One thing that was consistent across most vampire media was the fact that they were all immortal

So yeah.

If that was right, Wooyoung was probably going to stay like this in endless suffering until the universe fucking ended.


Wooyoung felt tears come out of his eyes as he gripped the sides of the water fountain, his pale knuckles going even more stark white.

But even his pain reminded him of everything so wrong because the tears that came out of his eyes were an inky black just like his own monstrous blood.

Wooyoung tried to control himself as much as he could, he didn't want to attract any attention, but that was the one thing he was struggling with.


But his efforts on not attracting any attention were unsurprisingly in vain.


A/N I'm debating whether or not I should go on hiatus until my break week because I've been so stressed lately. School plus the fact that I'm trying to learn korean, doing singing lessons, working out, and writing books every single weekday is just so much to do and I'm so exhausted every single day.

anyways this chappie is really important and has some deeper meaning behind some of the words as it highlights one of the main concepts. try and figure it out!


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