Chapter Forty-One

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The blonde felt himself smile, as he looked at San, his smile being reciprocated on the other boy's face.


The blonde was currently on his way to a cold storage in the backseat of a truck Seonghwa rented out, looking over the now box-encased frozen Goemul members.

After Wooyoung and San started dating after the fight, Hongjoong healed San (which saved a possibly expensive trip to the hospital) before Seonghwa returned from the store to bring back some large boxes.

Wooyoung's initial idea was to transfer the frozen Goemul members to Antarctica, but obviously, that would probably take ages to do, so they just decided to go with a local cold storage instead. Somehow, they managed to score an agreement with the owner, and they only needed like one shelf anyways so it wasn't like they were taking half of a warehouse.

It seemed a bit strange because well, they literally had boxes filled with ice cubes of vampire meat, and if anyone actually saw the contents, they'd probably have more questions than my mom after she finds out I write gay K-pop fanfiction.

Every now and then, Wooyoung would have to open the boxes and refreeze the ice because the temperature outside was certainly not below freezing, which was highkey annoying, but it's better unless they wanted the Goemul to run around again.

Pretty much since after the fight, the only thing on Wooyoung's mind was his now-boyfriend San (wow, the blonde still couldn't believe it, it seemed so surreal) and just how happy and lucky he was. For some reason, San confessing to him in the first place, even after seeing him in such a monstrous state, made Wooyoung feel a lot more comfortable and accepting of himself. San's words made him realize that his actions may be monstrous, but because of his intentions and remorse, he is more human than people with bad morals.

But that wasn't the only reason why he couldn't believe San was dating him.

Said brown-haired boy was just so unbelievably perfect. He's nice, talented, good-looking, funny, helpful... literally everything.

"What are you smiling about?"

The blonde looked up, seeing Hongjoong looking back at him with a knowing look. "um... nOthing."

The blue-haired male raised an eyebrow, unamused. "Really now? You look so happy... I don't think I've seen you smile like this in so long. Is it because you're now no longer sing-"

" maybe..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

The blonde diverted his gaze to the window. "Talk about what?"

"Well, this boy that seems to mean a lot to you has seemed to mentally change you and it's kind of intriguing. Hwa and I have noticed that... ever since some of you know, those things that er... happened... we've noticed that you seemed much more down and closed off, but... now you seem kind of like how you were when we first met."

In all honesty, Wooyoung didn't even notice that he changed, but it was probably because he was so focused on his misery and self-loathing. "Really? Well, uh... San, that's his name, by the way, he's... he is just so amazing. He's so nice and fun to be around, he always brightens my day and helps me keep my mind off of things when I'm not really feeling it. He's so talented too... did you know he ice skates? He's so amazing! Plus I think that the fact that he's so good-looking is a bonus to his character. He's amazing and... just the fact, I guess, the fact that he said he likes me even in a state that I don't want anyone to see is just... he's the definition of perfection."

Hongjoong smirked. "You sound lovestruck. I can tell that you really like him."

"I do! So much"

Wooyoung felt himself get a little embarrassed from that, causing Hongjoong to chuckle. "I can tell that you two would probably make a cute couple. The way you described him seems to really compliment your flaws and good aspects."

If Wooyoung was still alive, he'd probably be blushing. "Oh, th-thank you."

Seonghwa stopped the car, interrupting the conversation between the other two vampires, giving a smile of his own.

"We're here. Get ready to transfer some frozen vampire."

A/N i believe there will only be two chapters left and an epilogue. wow, I cant believe its gone by so fast. :(


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