Chapter Eleven

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some very mild mentions and descriptions of blood. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

Wooyoung followed the two men out of the park, but while doing so he couldn't help but feel he was being watched.


"So where the hell are we supposed to find an animal?"

"No idea. Probably not while we're still in the industrialized area. We need to probably go to the outskirts."

"The outskirts? How far is that from here?"

"Uh, I have no idea..."

The blonde watched as the two friendly vampires bantered with each other, trying to figure out his predicament.

It was kind of interesting. The two were hundreds of years old, yet they still talked to each other in a way that kind of reminded Wooyoung of children.

"I mean if we go now-"

"Then let's go now!"

Hongjoong glanced over at Wooyoung playfully, a glint in his eye. "Come on! It's lunchtime~"


Wooyoung found himself watching Seonghwa entice a somewhat small deer into his pale hands, his concentration seemingly to the max.

It all happened quite fast. After the trio found their way into the outside of the city in the forest-like area, Seonghwa explained that he could use his powers to make animals extra curious and less timid, effectively making the animals very likely to come right into his arms. It seemed very useful.

Once Seonghwa's hands were mere centimeters away from the deer, he shot his hands out and immediately snapped the small animal's neck, somehow very gracefully and simple. He made it seem as easy as breathing.

Haha, how ironic.

The crack was rather satisfying, the small noise going along with how the deer seemed to crumple, life flitting away from its doe eyes.

Seonghwa scooped up the tiny animal in his arms and walked up to the blonde, who was still mesmerized by the dark-haired male's little show. Seonghwa chuckled. "Here you go, sir."

Wooyoung shook himself out of his trance, staring down at the corpse. "What... what do I do with it?"

Hongjoong walked up to the pair. "Alright, I guess it's time to teach you. So first, grab the animal."

"Uh, okay."

The blonde took the dead deer in his arms from Seonghwa. The animal felt rather light, Wooyoung would've thought that it would be heavier since it wasn't that small. The blonde flitted his eyes up to the blue-haired male. "What now?"

Hongjoong made a peace sign, using the two fingers to point at his fangs. "Now you use these," Hongjoong turned his hand towards the deer, now pointing at its neck. "to pierce the animal's neck. Find the jugular vein and sink your teeth right into it. The blood should come right out on a pretty steady stream."

Wooyoung quirked an eyebrow. "Well... how do I find the jack o lantern vein or whatever it's called?"

The blue-haired male let out a chuckle. "The jugular vein. One method that is kind of strange-sounding is if the victim is alive, you could choke them. It'd undoubtedly cause the vein to pop out."

The blonde blinked. "But this one's dead(?)"

Hongjoong shrugged. "In this case, you kind of have to guess. We kind of had to kill it because it's your first time. After you pierce the skin and find the vein, all you have to do is drink... think... like a juice box, but without a straw."

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