Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Wooyoung panicked slightly. San couldn't see him like this. If the brown-haired boy ever saw him as such a monster, he'd run away and never talk to him ever again. He just couldn't see him like this.

But there San was, just standing there in the middle of the hallway, still looking as good as always. His perfectly sculpted facial features seemed to radiate more confusion than fear, which is quite surprising considering the situation he's in. The brown-haired boy's eyes were trained directly on Wooyoung, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped slightly, contrasting his slightly furrowed eyebrows.

Wooyoung said the first thing that came to his mind, still gripping on the figure in his hands. "San! Get out of here! It's dangerous, what are you doing!?"

San's jaw dropped a little bit more. "W-what? What is th-this? Woo, what is even hap-"

The Goemul member in the blonde's hands began to chuckle, his voice coming out quite strained and pained. "Oh, lookie here, it's your little disgusting, ugh, male infatuation... why don't you set me down, and maybe we won't do anything to him."

Wooyoung kicked the vampire's shins. "How the hell do you know so much about me?"

"How do you think, Wooyoung, we've been watching your every move."

Frustrated, the blonde ripped off one of the Goemul member's arms off. "Bitch! Did I ask for you to watch me? That's illegal!"

The figure in his grip yelled out in pain, but through it, used it to his advantage since now he was a little bit more free. Taking the opportunity, the figure kicked out one of his legs into Wooyoung's abdomen, causing him to fly back.

Due to the fact that they got interrupted and that they couldn't execute the plan fast enough, the two Goemul members on the floor began to rise.

This wasn't going too well.

Seonghwa cursed loudly and sent a flying kick, causing the figure right near him to fly into the other one that was previously on the ground. The two evil vampires flew together into a group of lockers, a loud clang echoing through the hallways.

Okay, never mind.

The one-armed Goemul member, on the other hand (ha, get it), chuckled loudly before making his way over to San, and putting the brown-haired boy in a headlock. San let out a loud yelp, his eyes filling with fear as he stared pleadingly at Wooyoung. The dark figure chuckled again, baring his fangs towards San's neck. "What happens if we threaten your one... true... love? Will he see your true colors? Will he see what kind of person you are? Will he see what kind of monster you are?"

San's eyes widened even more as the dark figure's fangs brushed against his skin. "P-please."

Wooyoung didn't know what to do.

The dark figure's words struck the blonde in all of the wrong places because, well, he couldn't help but believe that what he was saying was the truth. He didn't want to show San that he was a monster, even if he truly may be one.

He didn't want to accept the truth.

The dark figure growled, smirking demonically. "Oh wow. His blood, it smells... so good."

Wooyoung took a step towards them. "Please don't do this. Not in f-front of him, p-please."

"Seems nice to drink."

Wooyoung couldn't help himself as he saw the dark figure's fangs start to pierce the brown-haired boy's neck.

He couldn't lose him.

The blonde let out a rather guttural growl, his animalistic urges causing him to sprint towards the Goemul member and aggressively tackle him off of San's body, causing San to fall to the ground. Wooyoung ripped open the vampire's insides, the black blood splattering all over his body. He didn't care at this point.

No one could touch San like that.

Wooyoung, after ripping the vampire open, let out a large yell as ice began to flow from his fingertips and encasing the whole entire being in a large block of ice.

This was Wooyoung's plan.

When the blonde heard about how the fish in the river that San was talking about got frozen in ice but were still completely alive, it gave him the idea. The Goemul couldn't die, so how about they don't try and kill them, but rather keep them encased permanently in a non-responsive state?

Once the vampire was a literal block of ice, Wooyoung sprinted over to the figures that Hongjoong and Seonghwa neutralized and did the same, pouring out all of his frustrations into the freezing water.

The blonde let out a final yell before he dropped to the ground of the school, he really didn't know if he was capable of doing this because he was solely relying on anticipated adrenaline and anger, and it worked.

He did the deed.

The ice glistened in the fluorescent light of the hallway, the vampire's on the inside of the blocks frozen in a state of fear.

They were no more.

The blonde looked up at the friendly vampires, the two making their way over to Wooyoung to comfort him. The blue-haired male gave him a small smile. "You did it, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung let out a small nod, still trembling. "I did, but..."

The blonde looked over at San, who was laying on the floor from being pushed away by Wooyoung to access the evil vampire that kept him in a headlock.

" what cost?"

A/N I'm sorry there was no update yesterday it was getting late and i just wanted to sleep. i promise ill make it up to yall, I'm planning to finish this book this weekend, which means that I'm probably going to have to grind out chapters anyways.

have a good day!


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