Chapter Twenty-Five

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some mentions and graphic descriptions of murder and blood. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

It was Yeosang.

Wooyoung froze as still as ice.

The Goemul stood there sinisterly, Yeosang's figure continuing to struggle in the strong grasp of the undead monster. "Hello, Wooyoung."

At those very words that they somehow managed to make sound so sick, the blonde unfroze himself, anger coursing through every cell of his body. "What are you doing? Leave him alone!"

Once Wooyoung began to yell, Yeosang immediately stopped struggling, his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at the blonde.

Wooyoung couldn't imagine what kind of thoughts were going through his best friend's head at that very moment.

The evil vampire standing on the left, the one with the creaky voice, sneered at Wooyoung's rather small figure. "We've noticed that our methods in convincing weren't working. The deaths around you didn't do anything to change your mind, so we decided to do someone more personal."

"Don't touch him!"

The blonde didn't know what overtook him at that moment, but his arm instinctually swung out, ice spreading from his fingertips and out towards the vampires.

The Goemul expertly dodged the ice, Yeosang's eyes getting visibly wider as he saw the inhumane act that Wooyoung just pulled.

At any other circumstance, Wooyoung probably would be losing his mind because of that, but at this point, he really didn't care. The only thing taking over him right now was just an animalistic urge to protect his friend.

One of the Goemul members gripped Yeosang's shirt, pulling the collar down in order to expose his smooth neck.

Wooyoung clambered towards them. "Stop! Don't hurt him! Please!"

The same Goemul member tsked. "Oh, Wooyoung, we're not going to kill him."

The blonde furrowed his eyebrows. Were they showing mercy? "Wha-"

"We're not going to kill him, because you are."

At that moment, the evil member holding Yeosang in a headlock slashed at his neck, red blood starting to cascade out of the wound.

The smell of human blood hit Wooyoung like a truck. It was so strong.

And so tempting.

Wooyoung had to throw himself back away from the scent, his ass hitting the carpet on the other side of the room. The blonde didn't know why Yeosang's blood felt so tempting, he's been exposed to human blood before, but it was only when he wasn't thirsty.

But now, Wooyoung was very thirsty.

The blonde squirmed as he saw the nice, red liquid trickle down Yeosang's neck and onto his shirt, the red beginning to stain the fabric. Yeosang whimpered at the feeling, his eyes still as wide as they were before.

The Goemul dropped Yeosang's body to the floor of the room, the three walking up to the open window of the room. "Have fun."

Then they were gone.

Wooyoung diverted his shaky gaze to Yeosang's face, his facial features covered with a mix of terror and confusion. "W-woo?"

The blonde wanted to go and help Yeosang, but he couldn't. If he got too close he might not be able to resist the urge to drink.

He needed help.


The first thing that Wooyoung thought to do was call Hongjoong or Seonghwa, but the issue was that his phone was sitting on the ground, right in between the two boys.

The blonde bit his lip. Please. He can't drink from his friend. He just can't. It was Yeosang.

But the blood just smelled so good.

In a panic, Wooyoung scrambled to grab his phone and immediately went back to the wall he was sitting against before.

What did he need it for?

Oh, right.

To call for help.

With shaky fingers, the blonde opened his phone and scrolled down his contacts before pressing Hongjoong's, calling the older vampire.

The smell of blood seemed to keep getting stronger, and Yeosang seemed to start to lose consciousness.

Hongjoong picked up after a few seconds, oblivious to what was happening. "Hello?"

Wooyoung squeezed his eyes shut, trying to control his body from going over to Yeosang and drinking. "P-please. I need help, please, oh my god-"

The phone clattered to the ground.

Wooyoung didn't have the will to pick it back up as all of his existence was solely focusing on trying not to drink from Yeosang.

The blonde whimpered as he slid to the ground. Something inside him was telling him to go satisfy his thirst, but he just couldn't. It was a complete and utter internal fight between his morals and his urges.

He couldn't let the monster inside of him win, because only monsters would give in to do something so inhumane.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa had to be on their way soon, right? They had to fix everything. They will fix it. They have to fix it.

If Wooyoung could just hold on for a bit longer, everything would be okay.


But mere seconds felt like years and Wooyoung didn't know if he could handle it for any longer.

The blonde took a cautious peek towards Yeosang's body, who was currently now passed out. The blood still continued to pump out of the gash at the rate of his heartbeat.

Wooyoung let out another whimper. Yeosang didn't deserve this at all. He was just living his life normally, and he had to be caught up in this because of association.

The blonde clenched his fists as he continued to try and block out the scent once again, but it didn't work.

Resisting only just made it so much more uncomfortable.

Wooyoung felt himself sit up and slide his body a bit towards Yeosang's body. The blood kept coming out quickly.

If Wooyoung didn't kill Yeosang, then blood loss probably would.

The blonde stared at the blood. Maybe he should cover it with something so that he wouldn't have to look at it.

Wooyoung grabbed one of his shirts off of the floor, and threw it onto Yeosang's unconscious body, landing over the wound. The blood was no longer in sight.

But the smell was still very prominent.

Wooyoung stared at the covered blood. He still knew it was there.

It was getting so much harder to resist.

Ice started to spread from his fingertips and onto the carpet as Wooyoung squeezed his eyes shut once again. When were Hongjoong and Seonghwa going to come?

Wooyoung shook as he looked back at Yeosang's body.

The monster inside was crawling out, his instincts were telling him to do nothing but to drink.

Just to drink.

Drink the blood.

The internal chants were only growing louder, and Wooyoung was starting to lose the fight.

The blonde crawled over to Yeosang's body, not even thinking anymore as he removed the shirt off of the wound. The blood was staining the carpet, the red covering Yeosang's neck and clothes.

It looked so good.

Wooyoung tried to pull himself away before he could do anything so regretful or mentally scarring, but he couldn't help himself.

The urges won the fight.

A/N although the content of this chapter was kind of sad and scary, I'm kind of proud of this chapter. I feel like i wrote it really well. what did you think?


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