Chapter Forty

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" what cost?"

Hongjoong looked over at San's body, a comforting hand on Wooyoung's shoulder. "Hwa and I will... take care of the frozen members of the Goemul, you go check on your friend."

The blonde shakily nodded, slowly making his way to San's body on the floor.

The brown-haired boy's body was crumpled on the ground, one of his arms was wrapped around his torso, the other under his head. San's eyes were squeezed shut, but Wooyoung could still hear his slow heartbeat.

He looked like he was in pain.

Wooyoung shakily kneeled next to the brown-haired boy, wiping off some of the black blood onto his pants. "S-San?"

San's eyes fluttered open. "W-Woo?"

San chuckled quite airily, before bursting out into a fit of painful-sounding coughs.

Wooyoung's eyes widened, helping San sit up against the lockers on the side of the hallway. "O-oh my god. A-are you o-okay?"

The brown-haired boy groaned, gripping his torso. "My... ch-chest kind o-of hurts, b-but it's okay, I-"

The blonde ran a hand through his hair. "Oh no, S-San, I hurt you, I'm so s-sorry... you're h-hurt because of me and I... and it's all my f-fault. You're h-hurt because of me and I'm... I'm such a monster-"

San reached out a weak hand to stop Wooyoung again, but ended up letting out another cough. "W-woo, don't worry, it's not your fault. I... I may not understand anything that just happened, but... I know that y-you were only trying to help me-"

Wooyoung brought a hand up to his mouth, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "I was, b-but you st-still got hurt. You got hurt because of me and... I didn't mean for you t-to g-get hurt or e-even g-get involved a-and i-it's a-all my f-fault! You p-probably h-hate me."

"W-Wooyoung please, j-just don't worry about it. I-I'm o-okay. I'm n-not d-dead and I still get to l-look at y-your pretty face."

The blonde blinked. "W-what?"

San let out another cough, chuckling. "I-I wasn't going t-to tell you so s-soon, but I guess to p-prove that I don't hate you and... never c-could, I'll j-just say it now... W-Wooyoung, I... I like y-you a lot, and I don't e-even care th-that you're l-like s-some s-supernatural w-warlock o-or something, b-but I l-like you. A l-lot."

Wooyoung didn't expect this at all. He was so sure that after he hurt San, the boy would hate him to no end.

But now it looked like the complete opposite.

"R-really? Y-you do? Because... I do t-too."

San's smile widened, the expression completely replacing the pain on his face. "D-do you w-want... do you w-want to be my b-boyfriend?"

Wooyoung felt his heart stop again. "Y-yes... yes, I w-want to! ...but, I st-still hurt you-"

San interrupted. "Woo, I've t-told you a-already, it's o-okay because I kn-know y-you were o-only t-trying to protect m-me and I c-can heal, s-soon enough I-I'll be o-okay."

San held out the arm that wasn't wrapped around his torso, gesturing for Wooyoung to come closer. The blonde hesitantly scooted himself over to San, his hands fidgeting unintentionally.

The next thing that San did took the blonde by surprise.

San leaned forwards slightly, and kissed him.

It was only about a second long, but the mere feeling of San's lips on his own was certainly an experience. All of Wooyoung's insecurities and doubts seemed to go away in that second, because it truly felt so real.

San chuckled slightly as he reached out to Wooyoung's hair, running his fingers through the strands. The brown-haired boy removed his hands, inspecting his fingers while chuckling again. "What... is th-this stuff?

Wooyoung let out a chuckle himself, realizing that he probably looked extremely messy as he observed the black liquid on San's fingers. "Oh, uh, it's just vampire b-blood."

The brown-haired boy's eyes widened slightly. "Is that... is that w-what y-you are?"

The blonde diverted his gaze to the ground. "...yeah..."

"That's k-kind of c-cool."

Wooyoung looked back up at the boy in front of him. "R-really?"

"Yep. I may n-not understand, but... I like you for who you are, Woo. N-nothing can ch-change that."

The blonde felt himself smile, as he looked at San, his smile being reciprocated on the other boy's face.

A/N writing the forty in the chapter title is kind of surreal because I've never written a book with more than forty chappies. happy forty!

also this was probably one of the most anticipated moments of the book because well, um, its a woosan book and its woosan. (lol) whatd you think?


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