Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Wooyoung knew how to defeat the Goemul.


Wooyoung had such a fun time with San that weekend that he nearly forgot that the Goemul were going to show up at his school that Monday.

After the two ice skated for a bit longer, they realized it was kind of late so they went out to get food before heading home. During that time, the two talked and started to get to talk about their own lives a bit more.

But the blonde would never forget what happened just before San ran off to go home.

He kissed him on the cheek.

Wooyoung could still feel the feeling of his lips on his cold skin. It was really sweet.

The blonde honestly couldn't wait to see San again when he went to school again.

Wooyoung was smiling so wide just thinking about seeing him again as he walked to school. He was smiling so wide, that he was sure his fangs were showing, but he honestly didn't care at this moment.

Things in his life were finally kind of looking up.

Besides the fact that he does have to kill people every week for blood (always bad people though) and that Mingi still thinks that his dog is missing rather than dead, but other than that, Wooyoung's life was going better than he thought it would be.

Speaking of Mingi, Wooyoung still felt really guilty from his actions and he knew that eventually, he should probably come clean. The "lost" posters of Jibae littering the streets, stuck on random signs and poles just reminded him of everything that happened.

But he had to do that later. There were some more darker things at hand that had to be prioritized before he could take accountability.


The blonde anxiously stepped foot inside of the school. The bustling activity of the hallways was comprised of mostly lively chatter, each sound making the halls feel like a very social place. Each person in there was oblivious to what was probably going to happen that day.

Wooyoung began to walk, his pale hands stuffed into his hands nervously.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa were aware that the Goemul said they were going to strike the school today (because Wooyoung told them what happened that day), so the blonde knew that they were out somewhere staking out the school from a distance.

Wooyoung also told the two about the plan that he managed to conjure, and the two surprisingly reacted in a positive way, saying that it might actually work.

The blonde was confident in his plan, he knew that it was probably their only alternative to get rid of them, but the thing is:

He didn't know if he was confident in himself.

The only way that his plan would work would be if Wooyoung was at his one-hundred percent, and due to his nerves, he didn't know if he was.

Hopefully, he'll be ready when it's time to execute the plan.

"Wooyoung! Hey, man!"

The blonde felt a long arm wrap around his broad shoulders, the tall tree-like figure of Yunho slamming into his side.

Wooyoung didn't know if he could deal with his tall, high-energy friend right now. "Hi, Yunho."

Yunho walked him and Wooyoung down the halls, making their way to their first-period class. "Ah, Wooyoung, how was your date this weekend?"

The blonde almost tripped. "H-huh?"

"Yeosang already told me and Jong about your little date with San-"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "It... it wasn't a date! Just a hangout."

Yunho chuckled. "Sure. What'd you guys do? Kiss?"

"Yunho stop! We didn't kiss... well, he did kiss me on the cheek, butthat'sitliterallynothingelse, okay? Geez..."

The pair entered the classroom. "He kissed you on the cheek? That's so cute! Damn, when are you guys going to start dating?"

Wooyoung's eyes widened slightly. "uH, I mean well, uh, first of all, how the hell did you know I... erm... liked him. Second, bruh, I don't even know if he likes me like that."

Yunho shook his head playfully. "Oh, Wooyoung, Wooyoung, Wooyoung. Man, me and the boys can see clearly how much you two like each other, like I swear, the way you two look at each other, it's love! Do you guys just not see it?"

"R-really? He l-likes me?"

"Ha. Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

Wooyoung sat down in his seat, Yunho doing the same.

"Wow. He likes me."


Eventually, fifth period rolled around, and the Goemul still haven't shown up.

Wooyoung's anxiety kept getting higher and higher as the day went on, and it was getting quite uncomfortable and unnerving.

But as soon as Wooyoung entered the classroom and laid his eyes on a specific person, the feelings of nervousness began to slightly diminish.


San was just sitting there writing something down in a notebook, his lip bit in concentration.

He just looked so good.

Wooyoung made his way to his seat next to San, his presence getting the attention of the brown-haired boy. "Oh. Hey, Woo!"

The blonde gave him a small smile. "Hey, Sannie."

San's returned smile seemed to warm up Wooyoung's cold interior quite quickly.

The two boys fell into a short conversation about random things, the conversation continuing into actual class.

Eventually, the conversation had to come to a pause because San had to get up and leave to go to the bathroom, and as soon as San left, Wooyoung's anxiousness came back at full force.

The brown-haired boy seemed to calm him down.

Wooyoung kept glancing at the window in the door, just waiting for San to come back just so he could take his mind off of the anticipated disaster.

Though, it was kind of strange that the school day was almost over and they still haven't shown up.

Or so Wooyoung thought.

The next time the blonde looked up at the window in the door, the dark figures of the Goemul stood behind it, staring right back into Wooyoung's soul.

A/N the updates in the next two weeks might be posted one-six hours earlier than usual just because I'm starting a two week workout challenge and i need to rearrange my schedule just to fit it in (and doing so, my writing time was put earlier instead of right before i sleep) i hope yall understand.


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